Thursday, April 14, 2011


ok, I have willsmashforcomics , but needed a forum to discuss my love for horror in print and on screens, those of a theater or computer these days as i don't pay for cable. So what will and won't you see here ? It's my blog and when it comes to the macabre i have my preferences , there will be a lack of teeny bopper vampires or anything geared to that demographic, so don't hold your breath for breaking dawn or scream 4 reviews. I am not a fan of americanized re-makes they are for idiots incapable of reading subtitles and don't mess with the classics either , if it isn't going to be a different or improved take on something why bother. The dawn of the dead re-make is the only one i really tolerate ,so yes there will not be coverage of the fright night re-make as it will fall into the previously mentioned demographic. Horror with comedic elements aside from the uk's being human is not my thing. i liked shaun of the dead and zombieland but neither was horror so would not belong here.
Yes there will be tv shows on here, being human, supernatural...ok they balance the humor , true blood and walk dead . i'm sure preist, bereavement, insidious and lords of salem will get there time in the spotlight here as well.
Now what do i like ? Exorcisms, monsters and torture porn are my faves, the realer the better unless we are talking about monsters then suspension of disbelief goes out the window. My fave movie monster is Frankenstein, but don't call him a zombie and i won't hit you with my monster manual to prove other wise . the last horror movie that really did it for me was i saw the devil. anything depraved gets points for me. I'm kinda burned out on zombies, i know atlanta is the horror capital of the south but it seems any horror hipster in town is hung up on them and they have bored me, though i did like rec 2 .