Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Devil's Rock

It's been a minute since i have been able to sit through a horror movie that keeps my attention in one sitting. With the devil's rock i did just that , small cast and the budget flaws seen in the gore effects budget add up to this not reaching a wide audience but it entertained me. Breaking away from the more conventional premises, i think demons don't get there fair share on the screen , as most movies of the past ten years have been vampire, were-wolf, serial killer and ghost flicks , so any monsters that break the mold are welcome. No i have not made it through troll hunter yet , but i am about to watch wake wood .
The nazi's dabbling in the occult is another welcome subject in horror for me , and this movie is chalk full of it though , a limited range in the presentation of the subject, the movie gives winks to inglorious bastards as much as it does the exorcist . Well acted and what they had at there disposal they made the most of , the succubus in her natural state , looks like the little sister of tim curry from legend, so like a metal album cover , i would have gone the hp lovecraft route on this one and had less be more , because the full monty on it looks like a stripper on halloween. Granted even then this is heads above alot of the straight to d vd garbage or the syfy movie dreck, but what i feel like keep a good movie instead of great one.I think this lack of realism took away the fear factor , say what you will but the paranormal activity movies scare the shit out of movie and they are made on nothing. if you like occult based horror with a high suspension of disbelief then this one is for you.