Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dexter: Season Seven

Spoilers ahead.

While I enjoyed this season, it was more crime drama and much less serial killing. factors adding into this the love themed under current, the mafia involvement and the non gruesome manner Dexters Intrest co shared the Billing with Laguerda as the big bad. The only real horror element was the bull masked Labyrinth killer.

Despite this season being one of the least horrific seasons of Dexter having more in common with season two or five than the darker Trinity or Doomsday killers, it has packed some of the more emotional punches of the shows tenure. I was particularly struck by the conversation in the gay bar about love vs reason was extremely powerful stuff and it looks like love is theme of this season. Also the complexities of Dexter's relationship with Deb have really gone above and beyond on the writing this year. Last season I was able to say American Horror Story was the best show on t.v , so I'm not sure with the influx of horror on tv if the writers knew they were going to be able to match horror shows Creep factor so stepped up their game in character development Becuase at the end of the day death in horror movies can seem like clay pigeons in a shooting gallery if there is no investment in the character. I think Deb killing Laguerda had more impact than if Dexter had dome it because she had become too annoying for her death to have as much of an impact if he had.While the show has proven no one has to die its not like the have Joss Whedon on board , they have set the bar high when they killed Dexters wife.

Now approaching season eight, perhaps Deb's involvement is the biggest leap over the proverbial shark. I can appreciate the low note the season ended on not as much of a cliff hanger but still many loose ends which need tying, such as the escapee girlfriend who leaves a plant at the door, will this squash Angel's retirement plans? Quinn and Angel's sister could be a thing and draw battle lines should it turn Deb and Dexter against the world, moving Angel into a place Laguerda use to occupy. There is no way for this to be brushed under the carpet with no loose ends to tie, we can see how those things came back to haunt them from season six.

It's rumored eight is going to be the final season and even as much as I love the show it would be better for it to bow out gracefully. The writers have said point blank there is no way they are going to let dexter just ride off into the sunset, so getting killed or caught are the only two options , I think they see. The fact that this season Dexter has become so sloppy and makes so many mistakes is a sign of the acceleration , breaking from his code and losing control. Particularly how insistent he was with Deb that he has everything under control is really the only scene where Dexter appears to be you typical Hollywood crazy. I could see them letting him unravel like American Pyscho type thing. It would be nice if they consulted Jeff Lindsay about how to end it, while I know he is trying to distance the books from the show, it's his character so I feel he should have some input as to how it should go down.

Like Norman Bates before him, Dexter is an easy protagonist because he is so relatable, the fact he kills bad guys and is an antihero played into the shows favor so I will be curious if they think they can turn it around now he is not just killing bad guys anymore, his escapee girl friend on the run will still serve as a bad , so will they need another big bad? Or will the bad guy be Dexter? Or Will it be Angel vs Dexter, which I would feel would be a mismatch as he wasn't a very competent deceive perhaps if he teamed up with Quinn Becuase the story arc of Quinn being suspicious of Dexter faded pretty fast , it would make sense they bring in the FBI again to investigate Laguerda's death.

Speaking of Norman Bates, the Bates Motel show looks like its going to be another Cw teen drama, the Dawson's Creek murders. But with Dexter coming off the table I think there will be an influx of shows wanting to take its place. The Following looks to be the most promising, the serial killer in seems to twirl the old mustache too heavily when he talks but maybe it was just the clip, and the Edgar Allen Poe motiff wouldn't make it for the long haul. After this Season's Bloody Face , I don't see American Horror Story revisiting serial Killers. This leaves the little discussed Hannibal which if done right I think could be the winner to take the vacant throne.