Monday, June 17, 2013

True Blood Season 6

So we are back with a new season of True Blood that premiered last night.  I had not been looking forward to this season as much as I had past ones even though I enjoyed last season. Six season is a long time to hang tough and the show  had some episodes which have gotten bogged down in the multiple story lines, with Sookie not being directly involved in many of them. This season picks up right where we left off from last , with Billith on a rampage. This starts off feeling very horror as Sookie and Eric try to escape. Later the season arc foreshadows its self when Eric see an interview with the Mayor of Louisiana who wants to take the day back and wages a war of sorts on vamps.

Sookie seems confused most of the episode but when she stakes the uber power upped Bill she seems pretty confident in her choice. Her brother is now obsessed with finding their parents Killer. The episode did flow really well, the Mayor character fills the place of a Russell Edgington type character, though not as in your face big bad , he is more the man pulling strings and making deals behind the scenes. When his people go to shut down Fangtasia they appear to be armed with the fire power to put vampires down and it didn't appear to be wooden bullets so maybe some sort of sliver nitrate.

Jessica , my favorite character for aesthetic reasons, if very comfortable being uncomfortable in her own undead skin and when Bill has her under her sway he sides with him against Eric's contingent in a very watchdog manner.  Sam isn't in the episode much, he does take on a big responsibility. Lafayette is pretty much just hiding out at the bar in one scene, so his role is waaay scaled back.  There are fey babies who grow up rather quickly to Andy's chagrin.

Pam is conflicted to say the least o find out about Eric's sister and we see more of the strained dynamics of their 100 year relationship which Tara finds out how resentful Pam is about her place in his life. The were-wolves are celebrating Alcide as their new pack master, there is a new were-wolf girl who is pretty decent eye candy, so that means if you know my taste she is on the curvy side. So i hope to see more of her as the skinny red neck thing most of the woman have going on gets old.

Overall I look forward to seeing where they go from here so will be tuning in. I think when the show takes a more serious turn it lends itself to being horror so lets hope they push it further in that direction.