Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Only Lovers Left Alive

Like Stoker in the sense it has many elements of horror without being a scary movie, the new Jim Jarmusch film is a very character driven film where these characters happen to be vampires. It winks at varied elements of vampire lore, but even then the fact the characters are vampires both is an isn't the crux o the matter.

The humans in the vampires' eyes are the most horrific element, in fact the almost drive Tom Hiddleston to suicide, which of course requires him to have his Renfield go fetch him wooden bullets.The Eve to his Adam Tilda Swinton uses her everlasting love to rescue him from his depression.In many ways this is a romantic comedy , but in Jarmusch's hands the contemplative tone of the movie makes this less offensive than a rom com most commonly is.

The dialogue is what the film rides on , but it is shot in such a way that a ambiance is created, particularly when the vampires take their night cap, which is the only time they get fangy.The soundtrack plays a key role ad Hiddleston's Adam is a reclusive musician, but it is hinted at he may have well been others things, such as the first scientist who like Prometheus brought fire down to the people, using the likes of Tesla and Eddison as the messengers.

The main supernatural quality the vampires posses is living a long time gives you time to get good at a little bt of everything, other than that they have lighting reflexes, but are not strong as it takes to to throw a body in the river.They are emotionally very human, in fact almost experiencing emotions in a hyper sensitive manner, which is made worse by the humans' which they refer to as zombies that keeping fucking up the world around them.

This is a movie without flaw and though not horror it would appeal to horror fans, as it is dark but at the same time sweet, if nothing else it is highly recommended as so far it is likely the best movie of the year.