Sunday, May 31, 2015

the Human Centipede 3 The Final Sequence

The first movie was unnerving in concept alone. Otherwise it should surprising taste and class considering the subject. The second movie  was an homage to Easerhead in someways. It had the grit and gore the first film held back on  but it worked. The third movie is a tribute to exploitation films of the 70s'. Some of the David Lynch influence still lingers in the awkward bursts of insanity from Dieter Laser as the Warden. This is a tribute to the girls in prison films, but a homo-erotic shadow of that. Gay men into bdsm should flock to this. It's almost all man on man if it was not for the over the top t&a sex kitten secretary played by porn star Bree Olson. Tom Six is well aware most porn stars look better with there clothes on as it's the about to burst out of them motif that builds adolescent tension.

This is not an original concept , but lines up with other exploitation homages such as the Machete movies, Hobo with a Shotgun, Iron Sky or Bitch slap. The only difference is Six is willing to take it further, but if you have seen Ilsa the Wicked Warden you have already seen this movie.  I can understand what he was going for and why he was going for it. The gore factor is non- existent compared to the second movie. It's really bordering on not being a horror movie and could be a Quintin Tarintino movie if it had wittier and punchier dialogue. Harvey and Olson are the films best actors. He is exuberant at times and contrasts his character from the second film, though is the Warden's lackey.

The end felt rushed and the post- centipede scenes not as fluid as his other work. But to Six's
credit this is a better than most of  the wanna be exploitation films, yes this means you too Machete. However  I have not seen Wolf-cop yet a movie that would have to really be bringing the cheese to out do the other wise serious Late Phases. If you are a die hard Centipede fan as I am then go ahead and see this knowing it's hardly the horror movie that you were hoping for. I am looking forward to seeing where Six goes from here and if he is a one trick pony or not, after the first two films I have faith. The bar was raised really high here so its understandable why he really didn't take the leap. Well at least he has 70s retro out of his system for whatever he embarks on next. You can bet you won't be doing any re-makes of other horror movies. Wouldn't be surprised if he cropped up on the next ABCs of Death.