Sunday, February 21, 2016

Fox' s Lucifer

Yes, I am still doing this blog , I know it's been a minute, but truth be told not much has gone on with horror, in fact it is still doing better on the small screen. So Fuck the Million Moms who were protesting Olive Garden it looks like this show is flying. The horror element is creeping in as the buddy cop romance begins to go bad. People that see Lucifer Morningstar's true face go crazy and beat their heads bloody on the plexiglass of their cells in the nut house. That is Hellraiser worthy. Sure this could have been posted in my comic book blog, but it has more in common with horror than it does the Vertigo comic. The actor who plays our infernal protagonist is over the top with wanting to charm you. We are on the third episode so it's still too early to call, but the show could go a few degrees darker and be in the Dexter or American Horror Story zone. But it's on Network tv you say. Did you ever catch Hannibal that show got away with a lot on NBC. The networks all want a show with edge. At this point Gotham is darker, but the smug ex-lord of hell gone good could tone down the comedy and get real at any point.

 Lucifer's real face looks like a bloody red faced skinless demon and is not the most effective use of fx on the show. It is the subtle touches like the scars where his wings once were that is what counts here. Word in the comic book world is Gaiman's cast from the Sand Man might start showing up, which may or may not lead to a Sand Man show. The pilot found more fantasy on the outskirts and from there it has been kept in pretty close check. To get Lucifer's attention I think going into the under belly of Hollywood would be needed. We have seen crooked agents and orgies gone wrong, but I think they need to get into even worse scum like CSI does. Smut film and human trafficking would be good places to start. The crux of the show is what happens when Lucifer starts becoming a good guy.  The "good" angel sent to check on him and give him the nudge to return to hell, seems like more of a bad guy in the same way Doakes was in Dexter, in fact there is a similar dynamic.

I'm going to keep watching. We don't have any other serial killers, leaving us with zombies and Bryan Fuller's odds and ends, I would make a post just about Scream Queens, but with the first season gone, it was more of a comedy, I don't remember any scary moments and truth be told while visual stunning at times there were not any scary moments in  the last season of American Horror Story. The word on the inner webs is new season is going with a Lovecraftian theme, which could really go either way.I don't think I want to see them wink at Re-Animator and From Beyond like they did the Shining this season. Now if Stuart Gordon directed it....

I don't think Lucifer is going to save horror on tele-vision, while the Walking Dead and Fear TWD are both good at what they do I don't think we need anymore zombies on tv, thankfully they have been toned down in the movies. I do think Lucifer has the chance to get better of course it could turn into more of a Scooby Doo bad guy of the week. If this is the case they must use the line "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for Lucifer and you meddling kids." Right now it's at the cusp of being Miami Vice if they don't bring in more Satanic imagery so we wil see where it goes as the fourth episode should be the tipping point.