Friday, January 17, 2020

the Top 10 Horror Movies of 2019

I think you can tell a great deal by society when it comes to the type of horror being consumed . Last year it was other humans after us that made for the best horror, things were a little different leaning more toward the supernatural this year as it was ghosts, demons animals and aliens out to get us . Only three of the ten movies are other humans the antagonists with one of these being at least motivated by the devil and the other two situations drugs went sideways , religion sometimes as the drug.

These might not be the movies that got the best Rotten Tomatoes score, though they all did pretty decent , nor  are the the most popular as the most mass marketed movies tend to be for the lower common denominator. If your favorite movie is not on the list , it is not because I did not see uit as a saw most horror movies that graced theaters this year , it because in some cases your favorite movie was unimpressive or trying to hard , in other's well it was not that scary. So these are movies that proved to engaged me in some way more than the other horro movies not on this list. Here are the top ten horror movies of 2019 t

10  Annabelle Comes Home 

I typically hate Blumhouse movies. This one had a very 80s teenage feel that broke it from the mold not only of the other movies in this franchise, but from what Blumhouse typically does. All the baby sitters in trouble tropes clicked with a sense of familiarity that made this movie fun in a Scooby Doo way at times. 

9- Girl on the Third Floor

Despite the literal don't go in the basement moments, this movie gets under your skin. With seductive ghosts that felt a little like the first season of American Horror Story, it was  not the same haunted house story that can be done to death. Some of the aesthetic choices with the organic house oozing could have been done differently, but this movie succeeded in scaring you the way it wanted to. 

8- Crawl

The tension in this worked really well.  Between trying not to drown in the basement and the alligators , it had a bleak post apocalyptic vibe on a small scale  The remise was pretty basic and the acting only o.k, it managed to still keep you on edge .  

7- Luz 

One of the more interesting possession movies as it did not try to work off the blue print the Exorcist laid down. Many people raved about "US" since it's the SJW thing to do. Where that movie was too much like 'the Dark Half", this one made you question what is going on in a much better capacity. 

6- Brightburn

What if Super-man went wrong. This is what a movie about Hyperion or Sentry could be like. It had some of the best gore to grace the movie screens this year. It did not hold back and gave me what I wanted from it.

5- Midsommar

One of the few over hyped horror movies that kept it's hipster cool and delivered the Wicker Man for  Millenials . The bright colors contrasted the sinister side of the hidden motives under the surface of a would be utopia,. It held up with multiple viewings.   


Bliss is another druggeds out movie that shows when things go wrong. They just went worse in a more visually stunning manner that felt more real to me. It's important when it comes to the horrors of drugs for me to relate since I did so many of them, you can not fool me. I could relate to this movie and it did not try as hard as "Bliss"

3- Ready of Not

I don't typically like comedy mixed with my horror, I typically just do not like comedy. This movie did it wit ha really straight face. The premise was not unlike "the Most Dangerous Game" . It did not over sell the typical horror tropes and when it came time for revenge was done so in a way that worked. It also succeeded in being more horror than "  the Dead Don't Die " or  "Zombie Land 2 " .

2- I Trapped the Devil

Heavy on the atmosphere. This move was an exercise in restraint that paid off as it was what it did not tell you are show you that was scary. Creepy atmosphere hangs over it in a way not unlike the movie  "House of the Devil" . Though this one messed with your head more and did it better than "the Lighthouse". It went for hyper realism rather than looking like a perfume commercial from the 90s. 

1- Dr. Sleep

The Shining is one of the best movies ever made from one of the best books ever written. "Dr. Sleep" it's sequel was an entertaining book. As good as the Shining The bar was held just as high for the movie. I managed to do it's own thing , stay true to the book and pay homage to the movie. When it recreated the tone of  the first film at the beginning it was worth the price of admission .  Where "It" bored me this one kept engaged even after having read the book. t