Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Film Review : "the Lodge"

Yes this movie came out in 2019, but there are no horror movies coming out anymore due to the fact we now live in a horror movie. You gotta break some eggs to make a cake I suppose, so here I am reviewing horror movies you might have over looked and are new to me. Riley Keough plays a Grace a girl who survives growing up in a cult .  Riley is no stranger to horror movies as she was also a victim in "the House That Jack Built". She is also battling the impending crisis that is becoming a step mom as much as she is her ptsd. The kids are fucked up and you do not see just how fucked up they are until later in the movie. This movie is horrorific in the sense that anything that could go wrong in the shit show of dysfunction does . As a parent I think the tension and consequences of what does down hit home harder.

If "the Shining" was condensed to a cottage the results might have been similar. Such is the bleak mood of this film. It is more depressing and frustrating than it is scary. But emotionally difficult in a way that makes me not want to watch this again. Is it dark. Yes. Grim is an even better way to think of it. It is slow at first. It is well shot and looks great. The director accomplished everything they wanted with this. It is not a jump scare pop corn film. It messes with your head by toying with the tension. The cult thing is not spelled out for you every step of the way , but if you pay attention the pieces are put together . Is there a ghost ?  I think resentment is what haunts the characters the most. Their past kills them.

The one draw back is every one pretty much digs their own graves in this movies. By the end no one is really likeable. So why you might not want bad things to happen like they do, it is the consequences of their own stupid actions. Not the do not go into the basement kind of stupid. More like a revenge movie that goes all wrong. It is not the kind of thriller you have had hammered into your head and they have on Hollywood repeat. While I did not love this movie I respect it as any movie that makes me feel unease and cringe inside is doing it's job.