Monday, June 22, 2020

Film Review : "Blood Machines"

Give director Seth Ickerman all the money in Hollywood so he can make every cosmic Marvel movie planned to come out as well as any HP Lovecraft adaptation. This is not a movie in the most traditional sense of how we cosume movies. It is episodic without being a tv show. It is an odd choice for Shudder sense it is dark but not horror. Organic space ships are the theme.  LSD the inspiration. Music videos from the 8Os also haunt this . The colors are neons , black light rainbows. I no longer do the kind of drugs I need to in order to fully consume this into my brain. Synth wave artist Carpenter Brut is a collaborator on this . The music is a living breathing part of the film. It is like a trip as you are seeing the sounds, and hearing what you are watching.

Horror is more of my jam than sci-fi. I but I do like sci fi if it is dark enough. So your Star Trek / Star Wars pop corn fare feels like they are trying to sell me toys. This is closer to "Blade Runner" than any of that. Though it is written like this is from the pages of Heavy Metal magazine. There are sine great lines like " I have been fucking machines for so long I am beginning to smell like one" . I like sex mixed with both my horror and sci-fi I think from reading said magazine growing up. Things do take a bleaker turn in the 3rd episode. This begins to turn it into more of a horror slant.Man vs machine is one theme prevelant. The characters are almost more symbolic than fleshed out . The protagonist is not the most likeable hero , but he is not a hero. Story telling is very surreal here.

I suppose cyber punk is one genre this might fall into. I have seen things calling it a space opera. Most opera takes grim turns so that might apply here. It does tell the story it sets out to tell though I would like to see this world expanded upon. It is more visually stunning than any sci fi I have seen in recent memory. Some ofthe choices to remind me of "the Color From Space" or "Mandy". The one thing I can agree one in regards to other reviews is that Hollywood can learn alot from what Ickerman does here. This might not commerically be the vehicle that makes them take notice as they are not  ready for this yet. The abundance of boobs is the first thing they will balk at. Morbidly beautiful and orgasmic, all the things i need my sci-fi to be.