Thursday, May 26, 2022

Film Review : "the Sadness"


n a world that is a grim as it is horror needs to step up its game to compete with reality. This movie was willing to do that, though the hype paints it as being more gruesome and creepier than it is. Yes, there is rape, but I think there could have been more and more graphic if this was truly a tribute to the comic booked Crossed.  Props for the way this was made as it was funded through Crypto and Cam girls, knowing that no studio would get behind this. Another odd piece of information about this movie is how the writer and Director Ron Jabbaz is actually a Canadian who is clearly a big fan of Aian gore movies, which is not a new thing. Asian gore is not a new thing, in fact it is so over the top it feels silly at times, though I do like this movies choice to always take things a step further. 

People who call this a zombie movie are not familiar with the comic book "Crossed" and in fact the movie lays out the science behind why this is taking place, as cannibalism does occur, but I would not say that is primary motivating factor. I think the fact that these are living humans that have been corrupted by this disease makes it even more dangerous because they have imaginations intact to take out their worst desires on others. I think this fact makes the end have more impact, if it was a zombie doing these things then it would be easier to comes to terms with. 

The post-apocalyptic feel of the city that is ravaged by this disease does give it that zombie feel. Funny enough it was also filmed in 28 days. So, 28 days later they had a movie. This is one of those movies who separates the just how extreme you want your horror. To dismiss it as being edgy, means you do not get the point and trying to write it off because you are a prude with no stomach for it. There is a balance it is important that this does not devolve into just gore for the sake of it, though at some times this movie tip toes the line between, the story as it is wins out and the depravity is enjoyable I hope this sparks the minds of powers that be to make an actual Crossed movie, though this movie works well with what they had at their disposal.