Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Film Review : Alien -Romulus

 The first two films of this series are classics, one of the few cases where the sequel rivals the original. From there the results have been spotty. This film is supposed to take place just before the first film in the canon. It does not have the benefit of the quality of actors the previous films had as most of the budget went into special effects. Aside from "Prometheus" it might have the most CGI of any of the films but that is just where the industry is heading. With some slow-motion sequences looking like cut scenes from a video game. This leaves the writing and tone of the film as some of it stronger points, though one of these aspects does fall apart in the rushed ending. 

Is the commentary of the movie more about the dangers of AI or how big corporations spit people out with little regard for their lives with the sub-text being the military-industrial complex, which Hollywood takes stabs at without realizing their side of the fence are the main enablers of this. While the face-huggers are the main monsters of the movie, things move fast enough for the audience to see a wider range of varied evolutions of creatures that want to pay homage to all of the movies. It stays true to HR Giger's designs and the almost Lovecraftian mythos behind the aliens. 

It is entertaining when they first explore the abandoned space station it feels like wandering in a haunted house in space. It works off tension more than jump scares. The aliens are always lurking in the periphery. It was entertaining until the pace sped up into a rush cramming special effects and morphing of monsters that did not make sense. The suspension of disbelief was already taxed and they rushed things past the point of what works in the world they created. It was fun until it sped past you.