Saturday, September 10, 2011


I have been waiting for this one even though stevan mena's first film malevolence didn't do much for me and this was supposed to be the prequel, the hulu trailer looked good and frankly the screaming busty alexandra daddario was looking too good to pass up.for once being inspired to check out a movie for the hot screaming woman in the trailer paid off. what ever mena learned from the first movies mistakes have really paid off here.
alot of slasher films there is no component that the killing machine in question is crazy enough to do this, the killer here struggles with a wide range of emotion and the twists his actions take can be brutally unexpected . no one is safe this is an indispensable quality in a horror, and it hold true here as well. the tone is dark and real , there are only a few hiccups in the suspension in disbelief , they are clustered around killing at the end , it would be major spoilers but the acting is a little lack luster in the reaction to the stabbing , but this could be nit oicking which i am prone to do , wouldn't say this is as flawless i saw the devil , but i am certain this will make it onto my top ten of the year .

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