Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Woman in Black

Daniel Radcliffe, uses this horror vehicle to shake off the Hogwarts blues. The movie stays in a similar tone to Hammer's other haunted fare. While I preferred Wakewood to this film, Hammer is redeeming themselves for doing the re-make of "Let the right one in" and it makes me curious enough to want to check out " the Resident" which appears more thriller than horror. Radcliffe plays a much older role than Potter and is rather blank in an almost Keanu Reeves manner. The setting is the star of the film and lends the most ominous element to the proceedings. The creepiness is where the movie excels, having a command of the acting isn't this directors strong suit, but an eye for scenes. The ghosts are almost Grudge -like in nature and their are the creepy kids fading in and out. The pacing slows in the last fifteen minutes but the end adhere's to my golden rule of horror, so that was pleasing. Younger fans of modern horror, more than likely won't get the film's homage to Hammer classics, having grown up with a more in your face cgi'ed style. The gore is non-existent and I'm assuming this film was rated pg, so it appeals to a very specific horror demographic. While it didn't scare me I enjoyed the atmosphere and so far this year you have to take what you can get when it comes to horror.

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