Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dragon con ...the horror

The largest fan run genre convention is starting to give horror more of its due, the dark fantasy panel is now the horror and dark fantasy panel and sparkling vampires are the bane of all in attendance of that track. The first panel I went to on this was "vampires the good the bad the undead" it focused on vampires in lit...and some film of course came up, I attended this one primarily due to Laurell K Hamilton , but Author Jeanne Stein who writes the Anna strong series and James r tuck who writes the deacon chalk occult bounty hunter series was on the panel as well. Laurell did break the news her next Anita Blake book would be entitled affliction. She also said she was not giving Anita any more powers but focusing on reining in the ones she has. She Sid the same is for Anita's lovers that she was not getting new ones and would never have sex with the police she works with.

Next up was the true blood panel, the actors Sam Tramell, Carrie Preston, Nelsan Ellis, and Joe Manganiello were on this panel, they mainly took fan questions, most notably was Ellis who wore sun glasses and was visibly high as is words took their time forming and he laughed at the drop of a hat. Preston was the most entertaining and joe the most self absorbed. Nothing ground breaking was revealed here aside from in the first season they were more active in suggestions to Alan ball, most of which were ignored and they now resolve them selves to the fact Alan knew best.

We hit up Dr. Horribles sing along blog, the rocky horror of dr horrible, which I followed up with a panel on the metaphysics of Lovecraft where you can imagine no new ground was broken, also a state of the goth scene which will be covered in my Abysmal Hymns blog, though I will talk about the fet life panel and bdsm panels as I tend to lump that in here , given my penchant for torture porn and the innately sexual element to good horror.

For those of you who are unaware of what fet life it's it's a face book for the link community , for those in the lifestyle I'm Wilcifer on there feel free to say hello, so this panel was about the etiquette of social media for a site with an inclination towards the creepy and creepy in the I'm leering at you I. My rain Coatfro th back of the porn shop an not how we use it in the horror world. This panel stated the obvious to people with little social skills to apply to social media.

Once interesting observation about the cross section of this so called geek crowd, came from my own performance with the burlesque show where we preformed a Frankenstein themed piece where a female doctor brings to life a monster who develops a different relationship with his creator, tearing her clothes off and pseudo rape ensues though she is killed before this is consumated , the crowd reaction was mixed leaning towards the shocked and uncomfortable, granted for the Halloween show or a horror con this would go over much differently, but the crowd was mixed heavy on women who surprised their rape fantasies of want to see pretty burlesque the guys at burlesque show tend to be more passive and overly catering to the point of being subservient towards women they fetishize by putting on a pedestal, so violence towards them when they lack the testosterone to have a rape play fantasy did not play into the acts favor, though I had several men come up to me saying they enjoyed it after and women who thought it was beautiful, but I would lean the overall geek vibe to be vanilla.

The Saturday I hit up panels regarding the weaponry of lord of the rings, steam punk music, and Hammer horror, which mainly focused on the box set of reissues an talked about the retur of the brand with movies like Let Me in and the Lady in Black, they focused more on the later period than the classic monster movies, though Lee and Cushing were of course, mentioned.

Sunday ... The spike and Drusilla panel was one of the more entertaining, thanks to James Marsters, Juliet Landau wore sunglasses the whole time and might have been stoned, when a fan asked them to go into theere character for thirty seconds they granted the wish complete with Landau doing the wavering head motions . It was clear the characters from the Buffyverse will now only have life in the comic book which both are having some creative interaction in the writing process.

Monday ...American Horror Story fan track...speculations regarding season two More than being overly reflective on last season which I contribute to the fact that the storyline nd characters are not carrying over into this season, while the majority where informed of this there were still some who though the house was going to stay the same or it would be another ghost story , however a lot of people had seen the little preview snippets on line and where aware it was a crazy nun meets possession type story this go around.

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