Tuesday, October 9, 2012


While until the last few minutes of the movie you would be hard pressed to call this horror, this movie does cut away into these really pretty fantasy sequences where the misanthropic teenage girl fantasizes about surgical blood shed of an erotic nature. In some ways this is a coming of age film as it explore a female perspective on the horrors of losing your virginity. the actual act takes on a very calculated and cold execution which is the one moment where the fact this was written by a male screen writer is apparent, unless the goal was to show her as a sociopath.

Mccord's character is no Dexter Morgan when it comes to being a sociopath , as she has the range of your typical teenage angsty stuff just amped up by way of say ....Ghost world with a side of Daria. I also feel a little Heathers vibe at times from this movie, but with the surreal gore interludes. If you are a total gore ghoul who masturbates to a Serbian film , then these sequences aren't going to do much for the desensitized, if you like pretty lesbian hinted corpse crawling then grab the lube.

The violence in this film is hinted at rather than graphically depicted, she only really has three episodes of it and one of them is a locker beatdown at school. Her disdain for the world around her could have been further fleshed out as her overbearing mother , cuckhold father and sleazy therapist/priest, don't seem to warrant a psychotic twist, though at that age you do tend to overact to everything, hell half my Facebook friend who are supposedly adults overreact to every thing but the almost Carrie nature of it is what leaves the film feeling like so many other movies I have mentioned.

John waters , Traci Lords and Marlee Matlin , who is not hotter than the puffy gave lords, all fill out a cast with a few other surprises for genre fans. I can see this developing a cult following though the direct to video nature of its release might hamper this, I'm not sure why it didn't receive distribution as the out put from art house theater has been boring.

It was going to be hard for this one to live up to the trailer and still be straddling the dark comedy fence. The horror movie John Waters would make if he was going to make one? Some of the awkwardly paced dialogue makes you wonder if they were going for the David Lynch thing. The monologues to god were the only parts which gave away the face budget went for their effort to pay for the shining stars of cult b lists. I was entertaining despite the films flaws in production and dialogue even though this was not a horror movie I have no qualms about recommending to people who might
Ike this sort of thing , even though I'm still trying ToddiGirl out what this sorts off thing was.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

666 Park Avenue

Well it's safe to say American Horror Story still doesn't have any competition when it comes to horror on t.v.  Supernatural and even some episodes of Buffy are bothe scarier  than the pilot for 666 Park Avenue.  I was surprised how suspension of disbelief was thrown out the window in an almost Stuart Gordon manner, where we have from beyond portals opening and sucking people away. There are secret occult orders and Faustian pacts being made, a ghost and Pyschic  so far and I wouldn't be surprised if the exhibitionist neighbor who likes taking off her clothes in the window turned to be a succubus

I think the show might be more effective if it played it the subject matter straight and less like the old Friday the thirteenth show and more like rosmary's baby. Some money was sunk into this though the effects aren't what I would expect from abc. The building has the potential to be the  overlook hotel of network tv, but the show is going to need to take a darker tone and take its self seriously if you are going to imitate  another show pick up on the parts that worked like how the stakes seemed higher when you were made to believe this was real. Sure American Horror had ghosts coming out of the wood work and more people were dead than alive by the final episode but it never hocus pouched us, I think if some sort of Majick or nefarious figure were brought into the show it would have been handled Ina matter that didn't wink so heavily at the camera.

Another problem and it could be the writing is the casts chemistry was off in a few keyholes mainly the Maine husband and wife duo, which seems to be a crucial element. I think if they killed off the writers wife in the seconds episode it would raise the stakes a little and show you no one is safe.If you are like me and watching stuff like Grimm or Lost girl then the show won't be asking too much from you in the suspension of disbelief dept., I am going to give it a shot as we are going to be waiting awhile for the Munsters and I need something to make me forget I'm waiting around for season two of American horror story.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dexter - New Season Premiere

There's no way to talk about what's going on in the first episode of Dexter's seventh season, so it goes without saying that spoilers are a head. First off I think the best element of how this season has started its  focal point is on Dexter and the side stories are not so prominent. Sure there is a lot of investigation and  contemplation on Deb's part and once a stray slide is found other suspicion is cast.

I see the fact a kill followed Dexter's big slip up so closely this is the beginning of his spiral out of control, the fact he now feels the compulsion to gain control and sees his dark secret as the solution when his back  is against the wall doesn't bode well for him , he seems to be making more mistakes every season.  This season looks to be going in a very strong direction , the mafia angle worked in as well as two other serial killers raise the stakes . I have read next seaso. Is the last for him, and found myself throughout this episode hoping before the end of this season he will kill Deb. it really seems like the only way out for him.

The Miami metro support staff is still strong and wht makes the writing of shows like Californication and Mad Men so strong is present here in the way they ties thing s back to season one and season two. The childhood flash backs will hopefully not be overdone with the new dexter and deb dynamic . It also looks like the goat of his dad is going to be returning to give council again. Another element I think where a little goes a long way here.

The end where Dexter comes home to find everything dug up and his confession to Deb , keeps the tension established at the end of last season, so is that going to be the beat? I think this could go either way a big tense ending with Deb asking th wrong questions should only be allowed to go so far if Dexter already had his big escape bag prepped.  The new girl from the previews looks like its a Lyla angle but the want her to look like his dead ex. So they are on a balancing act of taking the nigs that make this show work and try not to replicate them as carbon copies. While I have a level of skepticism considering this is the seventh season so sharks could be jumping every where if they hadn't already last season and thus far the Jimmy Smits season is the only me I'm not huge fan of .

With shows like Bates Motel and Hannibal waiting in the wings the serial killer protagonist is a band wagon the networks are about to jump on so dexter has t stay a few steps ahead of the game, I think the depth given this character is what makes it work better than Norman Bates of Hannibal Lechter as both of thos shave more glaring crazy qualities and don't blend in as well as Dex.  If you have dropped off from Dexter along the way skip the third season and catch up as I think this season is stepping it up.