Tuesday, October 2, 2012

666 Park Avenue

Well it's safe to say American Horror Story still doesn't have any competition when it comes to horror on t.v.  Supernatural and even some episodes of Buffy are bothe scarier  than the pilot for 666 Park Avenue.  I was surprised how suspension of disbelief was thrown out the window in an almost Stuart Gordon manner, where we have from beyond portals opening and sucking people away. There are secret occult orders and Faustian pacts being made, a ghost and Pyschic  so far and I wouldn't be surprised if the exhibitionist neighbor who likes taking off her clothes in the window turned to be a succubus

I think the show might be more effective if it played it the subject matter straight and less like the old Friday the thirteenth show and more like rosmary's baby. Some money was sunk into this though the effects aren't what I would expect from abc. The building has the potential to be the  overlook hotel of network tv, but the show is going to need to take a darker tone and take its self seriously if you are going to imitate  another show pick up on the parts that worked like how the stakes seemed higher when you were made to believe this was real. Sure American Horror had ghosts coming out of the wood work and more people were dead than alive by the final episode but it never hocus pouched us, I think if some sort of Majick or nefarious figure were brought into the show it would have been handled Ina matter that didn't wink so heavily at the camera.

Another problem and it could be the writing is the casts chemistry was off in a few keyholes mainly the Maine husband and wife duo, which seems to be a crucial element. I think if they killed off the writers wife in the seconds episode it would raise the stakes a little and show you no one is safe.If you are like me and watching stuff like Grimm or Lost girl then the show won't be asking too much from you in the suspension of disbelief dept., I am going to give it a shot as we are going to be waiting awhile for the Munsters and I need something to make me forget I'm waiting around for season two of American horror story.

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