Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Film Review: "Barbarian"


Zach Cregger has done a fine job establishing himself as a horror director with this film. Though a great deal of credit goes to the writers. The whole movie hinges on the "don't go into the basement" trope of horror but takes it a step further. The acting is also really great, which was needed in order to create the misdirection this movie thrives upon. There are story arcs that split off and come back together which enrich the story telling. The mood also gives you a sense of unease, which is more effective than blood and guts or jump scares.

In Hollywood these days, you have to know some of their politics are going to get involved and I think there is pressure to give in a go with the narrative that forms their identity and makes them feel like a vital part of their perceived culture. It is like reading the room through rose tinted glasses. The film does stay relevant to that, but in a manner that does not take side and shows other perspectives to topics like cancel culture, though they influence the story it is not what it all hinges upon but motivating factors to the characters. The unique voice to the story telling assimilates all of this.

In some ways it owes a great deal to 'the People Under the Stairs" , it is what they do not tell you and the direction you think this movie is going that helps seal the deal. The themes in play might not be new to horror, underground inbreeds, feels very Hills Have Eyes, but it is all in the telling and how this movie has an ending that happens fast, but brings with it the kind of bleak ness I want, as I hate happy ending, and prefer that people do not survive my horror movies. If you want practical effects, and an old school production feel to a new movie, then they have you covered here. One of the better horror films so far.    

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