Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Film Review : "Winnie the Pooh -Blood & Honey"

I am not sure what you are expecting here, and to be honest I am not sure what I expected. In some ways it exceeded my expectations and in others it let me down, namely the acting and dialogue . Though it was not a deal breaker in that regard. The premise makes this a fantasy version of the Hills Have Eyes, but very British. Christopher Robbins works best in flash back sequences , as the adult version who finds his past is back to haunt him, is pretty annoying. He is a tiresome bitch. I hope the actor was just ad libbing , because if he was going straight from the script, then the writing is about as bad as it can get and still make the movie watchable. 

Where this movie gets it right is by having no interest in adhering to the code of horror movies for Millennials. Instead we get an old school slasher feel, where girls are on the run from Pooh and Piglet. In many ways this movie comes close to the original Terrifier , but does not try to gross you out with pussies being sawed in half. I think some of the kills could have been more inventive. The mythos of  Pooh in this telling of  his story gives you just enough background, but is vague on how human is he. He can clearly drive a car and Piglet likes sledgehammers. Pooh is on the Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees power level in terms of strength and durability.  

There are some cool shots, and tense moments. The motives of their murders is not clear and vary too wildly stylistically . I would have taken a different direction with some of the kills and made them more personas to the characters as I feel there were a great deal of missed opportunities in that regard. The acting is the worst element of this movie but when it comes to b -grade horror movies this falls in the middle of the road. The made the most of the budget they had to work with. I normally judge movies these days by how long it takes me to watch it , this one only got two viewings so that is not bad it keep my interest, things like the animated intro that lays down the back story work well and it starts off much better than you think it will though goes down hill with a rushed and sudden ending. It has been a good year for horror so far, this ranks at the bottom, but is better than most movies of this budget. 

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