Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Didn't have to wait long for this one , ok at least as long as i though i would , now for red state . WoW , is what i have to say after just finishing this movie, first lets get the comparisons out of the way zombieland... zombie land is a joke , a well crafted joke but a comedy non the less , this movie takes it self very seriously , the other the road, a movie i loved, the road was grim , but not horror , the cannibals popped up for a minute but i would say it was sci-fi drama, i will say it is more of a feel good movie than the road , though most films are spider and tarnation aside, the road has a bigger budget and they apocalypse did not come from vampires , so it was more visual than this movie, the make up effect here are ok though the vampires do come across as fast zombies , as they are very feral, i think un-romanticizing vampires could be a trend in the twilight back lash, as film makers take back the night so to speak,what the film does well it excels at , very character driven , several oh shit how are they going to get out of this suspenseful moments, and thing i was oh shit i'm scared , like the basement scene in paranormal activity 2 , no i thought it was good story telling and film making but , i suppose there are some who might find this scary, it would be scarier than say last years over hyped indie film monsters, if zombie scare you then yes , if you are easilly creeped then yes , if not and you like horror see this anyway, the holly wood moments were kept to a minimum, this always scores big with me , am i a little jaded perhaps, but as an avid horror fan i am this audience you gotta throw the curve ball and if you are reading this chances are you might be as well

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