Friday, June 10, 2011

taking the sparkle out of horror

Ok , to get this one started let me come clean on the fact i did read the twilight books, did i think they were horror , no bubble gum fantasy, think i went through all of them in a couple weeks, but i like cotton candy some times, buffy, anite blake etc -so i am tolerant of entertainment for the sake of mindlessly wanting to check out , but do i hold the harry potter books in the same regard as robert e howards conan , no
i would not call any of the twilight movies good, the acting has been horrendous, what i am more concerned about is this marketing ploy studios are taking to make this teen horror lite every where you turn, granted the ya aisle in the book store is filled with the crap and hopefully they won't make tv shows or movies out of all of it before the day is done, some times it works better than others - i personally liked the show the gates which only got one season, i also think supernatural is a good show , its dark fantasy not horror- horror you are being scared or repulsed in some way , well why am i worried about this trend and how do i think it's going to effect real horror
not sure if you have heard about the bbc banning human centipede 2 , it contains more of a sexual element ,
for what it was i think human centipede was the best film that came out that year, it used restrain and threatened to show you the gore , played it cards well
i think if it came out in the late 80's in the heyday or the gore films , no one would have batted and eye, aside from some nervous giggles at the premise
i think this sanitizing of horror and trying to make it teen friendly is dangerous as studios are pitched these things granted i think little red riding hood from a butts in seats perspective showed there is only so much gas in that , the kids who were into twilight if they stick to genre films are going to want something with more meat as they get older or then trend will fade, i think Dracula is going to make a comeback, but in the sense of the more Vlad like warrior vampire, just from what i have read about movies coming out, granted they could turn him into a romance novel vlad, like the phantom of the opera's last appearance on screen
the thought of all this crossed my mind while watching teen wolf , its not as bad as you might think and i am glad were wolves are getting some solo time with out having to share the spotlight with vampires - but while i like game of thrones , at the moment teen wolf is my only option for monsters on tv , sure true blood is coming back , Charline harris books do not belong in the horror section either, neither do most of anee rice's lestat books though the may fair witches can stay there - the show true blood comes across darker than the books- due in part to alan ball - entertaining as hell but not horror- what happened to the masters of horror show?
is dexter and the walking dead our last refuges ?
i am confident human centipede the full sequence will see the light of day stateside even if it goes straight to video - the out look for the rest of the year is a little bleak , and yes i saw troll hunter back in feb,
its august for don't be afraid of the dark and the apparition , and um the remake of fright night,
sept the month ramping up to october nothing - apallo 18 is science fiction
the month of halloween - the thing remake and paranormal activity 3 - i really like these films but don't want them to be the only worth while thing in october- where the release date on lords of salem?
december nothing from paranormal 3 to the end of fucking jan of 2012 amityville the lost tapes and then tim burtons dark shadows in may -
in giving holly wood the vote of my dollar, all of this sugar coated dark fantasy crap - will be streamed on my computer if you want to sell me over priced pop corn - make it worth my while
grim times ahead for horror - here's my review of preist - it wanted really bad to be underworld and i am legend - file it along side jonah hex

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