Thursday, December 22, 2011

Hostel 3

At first glance i was quick to dismiss an Eli Rothless straight to video installment in the Hostel Franchise . It came out under the radar with little press. Not that a hype machine makes for a good film. But after reading an interview with the director on shock til you drop which was the only source i heard anything about this film up til this point. so being a rainy day today so i decided to give it a stream and was presently surprised.
Director Sam Spiegel 's last movie that i had heard of was the underwhelming "from dusk til dawn 2" , so he is building a legacy on picking up abandoned franchises. Hopefully this will break that cycle for him, as he stylistically captured the feel of the first two films.
This film was set in Vegas rather than Europe. Here the company from the first two films sets up shop amid the Vegas neon. They were presented as a more refined hi-tech operation that what appears in the first two films. With out giving away too much of the plot, yes there is one , i can say it's a little more of a betting spectacle, which works well with the setting.
The second remains my favorite, but this one improved upon what the first film set out to do . It cut down the party til you drop pseudo-teen vacation elements of the first one.We get into the meat of the murdering a little earlier on and other suspenseful plot points help move the film along.
As far as torture porn goes this is much more of an hbo after dark fare, more often than not going straight for the kill. What i liked the most about the second film was the sexual undercurrent seemed heightened.Here even though we get a female victim, though the majority of the kills are men, the sexual element seemed like an after though common in like an 890's action movie , in fact the final ten minutes of the film felt a little more like an action movie than a horror film to me.
Overall in a year slim on horror i found this to be a satisfying and fun film, i enjoy the variation even if the gore was diminished as well as the some of the tension a key element in making torture scary was only capitalized on earlier on . the film over came alot of hurdles and managed to win me over even with out being my perfect torture porn movie, which i don't think has been made yet.

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