Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the top ten Horror Movies of 2011

This wasn't easy as horror fared a little better on television this year than in the movies. In the year to come i think one hand is going to feed the other and the success of American Horror Story will fuel more horror on television which in turn will help what we see in theaters by the end of 2012. so here we go in countdown format.

10-the Devil's Rock- I had fun with this one I think with a little more money sunk into this it could have more fully realized, though budget aside the monster reveal looked like a throw back from Angel. But any time you have a female Satan you have my vote.

9-the Thing - So it wasn't supposed to be a re-make but a prequel, yet it sure as hell felt like a remake .Lots of eye candy it didn't scare me but was a helluva a lot better than the remakes of Fright night or Let the Right One in. Considering the grudge i have with remakes , the fact it made the list should say something.

8- We are the Night - a trio of Pseudo lesbian Vampires bling it up. The opening scene on the airplane was a great way to open the film, another fun but not scary one , the different take on vampires was enjoyed though i suppose it was like if the L-word was combined with the Vampire Diaries, yet it turned out better than that sounded.

7-Wakewood- This one will sit nicely along side the other late period Hammer Films. It felt very Wicker-man to me , but any movie that deviates from vampires , zombies and serial killers works for me .

6-Red State- Hostel in Jeeeezus name . Nutbags for Christ are pretty scary and i could see this sub-genre catching on. From the guy who brought you Dogma.

5-Hostel 3 - Recently reviewed this, this one caught me by surprise. A straight to video sequel that holds up against the originals.

4-Stake Land- The next four all have their distinct identities . This one was Zombieland with out the sense of humor and the bleakness of the Road. The overlooked gem of the year and the vampires are mean as shit . No sparkle here.

3-The Last Exorcism- why put paranormal activity on the list when you have this one. I like the end and am a firm believer in horror movies should have no survivors or happy endings . I predict the Devil Inside won't be able to touch this one and i won't even bring up the Rite.

2- I Saw the Devil - Since this is number two you can already guess number one if you know me . So some of you can interchange the two and be happy or not . While in some ways this turned into more of a twisted action movie, i think the beginning and end bookend it nicely. This will stand the test of time as a classic.

1-Human Centipede 2 : the Full Sequence- Tom Six, Knew what you wanted and turned it into a beautiful piece of grime and blackness. Take my earlier review and gush over it some more as other viewings allowed me to fully appreciate this. I Saw the Devil set the bar high for this one, but the artistry put behind this is amazing. I already saw the interview with Tom Six and the third film and i would honestly rather see his take on other elements of the genre, but if he out does this film put him up there with Lynch and Hitchcok.

so the break down is
torture porn - 4
vampires -2
devils - 2
monsters -1
sounds about right - look mom no zombies

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