Friday, March 15, 2013


Only a few episodes in and I like it though with the whole college campus game subplot that emerges by episode three, I can see where this show might be molded for the Cw, but other than that it is probably the best show you aren't watching. Timing is unfortunate because the Following has a similar theme if you just take it as a horror themed show about a cult, but that would be a very surface judgement as I think Cult has more layers and is closer to being horror than the Kevin Bacon vehicle. Not to say I don't find the Following entertaining, I'm going to post another blog on that this weekend.

Cult is the darkest show on Televison right now, since American Horror Story isnt on and I'll go ahead and say its darker than the Walking Dead where zombies have become the window dressing for the Hatfeilds vs the McCoys. The whole show within a show, element add to it as does the conspiracy elements. The show is set it grimerier locations which might not seem too appealing for the CW demographic and as I watch it I wonder what viewers of shows like the Vampire Diaries and Arrow think of this. Sure Smallville got into conspiracies at some point and there is the claustrophobic feeling of some greater than the characters keeps the desperation alive, which is what a zombie show should capture but I think walking dead has kinda missed the mark there.

It's not weighed down with pretty people's you would expect a show on CW to be though the computer chick and the Indian girl are attractive in way that appeals to me more than the overly groomed way they normally portray girls on the Vampire diaries are arrow where they are just too skinny. I think Cult's writing is better at keeping you on your toes than other show who sometimes try to hard, it feels like a natural spiral into this world, which the show in the show sucks their viewers into this Cult of its own which I'm sure will get brought up sooner or later. The gore is well not at the level of Supernatural we have gotten a suicide and some stabbings , but some of the death has been pretty creative and more Poe like than the Following where Poe was a theme at one point.

I thin there is an audience for it and I hope they reach beyond there normally demographic to capture it, while this isn't there American Horror Story it's closer to that than the Following and despite shared subject matter still a very different showand less of a crime drama.

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