Sunday, April 7, 2013

Evil Dead

No secret I have reached remake exhaustion. I am also not much a Sam Raimi fan. The Original trilogy , while I can appreciate it's entertainment value just get to silly for me. Stuart Gordon films are really the only horror movies whose camp I enjoy, I prefer everything very grim with no survivors. So the fact that this movie took on a more serious tone than the original worked for me , in fact it manage to to that while keeping the tone of a Sam Raimi film. With out the attachments to the first film I think I was able to go in with pretty low expectations as I had heard mixed reviews from my friends.

Really the only let down for me was the Tree Rape scene which was more of a branch slithering up her leg and took away the reap implications which as it is no surprise to any one who is a regular reader was my favorite part with the original. The back story was fine and the premise that they were taking this girl out here to detox made sense to me as well. The fx is a point of contention for some people who want only practical effects and no cgi, I think it used the modern technology but didn't abuse it i like how the blood was such a vivid red. It seemed the make up was a mixed bag, but the gore was pretty fulfilling. I've heard it said this is going to be the scariest horror movie to come out all year and well I'm still rooting for what I have seen of Lords of Salem. It could very well be the goriest horror movie, I think Lords of Salem well be more well made from a cinematic perspective as it looks like Rob Zombie's homage to Stanley Kubrick and of course Nurse has yet to see the light of the screen.

I think fans of the first film will find all the elements they appreciate from the first film unless they are really invested in the camp which when you take away the date effect and silly dialogue takes away that element in the modernization. I think it works better for this movie than it will the Carrie remake. Did Evil Dead really need to be remade in the first place ...well of course not.

I did like the fact despite the acting seemed like it needed to be warmed up into their roles that the characters connected with the viewer more than just some dumb kids going to a creepy cabin in the woods for the weekend. Where there a bunch of don't go into the basement moments, loaded with that type of horror victim thinking , not a good decision made by them until the end.

I like visually the rain of blood, pretty much any blood that splattered , i think the nail gun was the only gore that made me antsy,the rest was pretty low key on the gross out even though the violence was outlandish, the knife split tongue the only real 80's moment aside from when his sister glided over to attack him in the flooded basement.Due to the drought in horror until Lords of Salem hits I think it is worth at least the Matinee prices for this. I can understand if you feel giving your money to Hollywood on this one is more of a vote for remakes than it is to horror. But if you are a fan of the original and otherwise o.k with remakes then its worth checking out.

1 comment:

  1. Being a big fan of the original, I was very disappointed. I thought this was okay, but still had huge shoes to fill that it still left room for. Nice review Wilcifer.
