Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Byzantium might be one of the best vampires movies in some time. Despite strong showing at film festivals last fall, the theatric release was shamefully limited, though this trend in indie cinema finds the film getting the most exposure as it was just released on Showtime and dvd simultaneously .

 The movie embraces the human elements and romantic notions while keeping things gruesome in small doses when it is called for. The movie is beautifully shot and explores it's own take on the mythos. The vampires are not as supernatural as i might like, hell they don't even have sharp teeth , they just grow a mean thumb nail, not too mention my number one pet , they can walk in daylight. But even with those liberties playing against it the movie was able to win me over.

Vampire exhaust is not at a fever pitch as it was for zombies, who return from the dead became more tedious given the rather hipster cool zombies had taken in the past five years. Vampires are complex emotional creatures where zombie just chew scenery and are more of a back drop. The complex nature of vampires is what the film nails. the mother/whore, always believes she is doing what is best to protect her child, despite the glimpses we see of what a wicked predatory bitch she can be.

The dialogue feels natural and the only melodramatic moments come from the Vampire council who comes to hunt down the rogue vampires. This gives the actors a lot to work with and make their complex relationships and torn natures seem much more believable and answers the question about the nomadic life of a modern day bloodsucker , rather than making them super heroes who happen to suck blood. While my favorite vampires are the more monstrous variety depicted in 30 Days of Night, this is a good movie where the characters happen to be vampires, they very well could have been just serial killers and this movie would have been just as effective.

Saoirse Ronan steals the movie as usual, her acting chops are far superior to Gemma Arterton, whose sex pot vampire role, certainly has it's appeal, as she came across way sexier than she did in Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, but Ronan continues to encompass a wider range of emotions in her roles. 

The flash back give you the back round story with out having to start with an origin or lay all the by laws for these vampires out for you. It covers it's bases and makes sense of the unique nature of it's character leaving few plot holes. There was enough of a bitter sweet element to it's ending to leave me statisfied , even though it did not adhere to my no survivors rule on horror movies.

Hopefully the On Demand options Show Time is offering will gain the audience this film deserves, a sequel would only cheapen this film , but the ending leaves it open for one. So if you are tired of the rather high school depictions vampires have gotten lately then this is a film that is worth your time.  

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