Thursday, February 13, 2014

Nurse 3-d

This movie straddles a sometimes campy line and heavy handed premise, but might surprise you with the quality in which this film was made. I'm a fan of violence as long as the blood shed has a certain visually striking element to it. This film delivers that that regard and makes up for the dialogue that seems like it was dumbed down for a broader audience.

The 10 million dollars invested in this film was used very wisely, as the film really looks goo. Some of the sequences made the 3-d nature of the film's theatrical release very apparent, particularly in the high body count of the film final twenty minutes. Lionsgate was very conservative in the release as it opened in only 10 theaters.

Paz de la Huerta who frequently sans her panties for scenes , sometimes plays her role of an obsessed psychopath whose mainly weapon lies between her legs with almost too much camp. Yet it's clear this is stylistically what the film was aiming for, horror fans of the 80's and 90's will get this other audiences might miss the winks to the golden age of cheese that this movie draws inspiration from.

Director Douglas Aarniokoski has been the assistant Director on some high profile classics such as Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and From Dusk Til Dawn but has only ruled the directors chair on television shows along the lines of Sleepy Hollow and Criminal Minds, the latter shows it's influence the most. Sure there is a Fatal Attraction element to the film, as well as an 80's revenge flick meets torture porn vibe.

With big name actors such as Judd Nelson and Katleen Turner in a few supporting roles the bulk of the film is left to Paz de la Huerta , who uses her t&a more strongly than say Rebecca De Mornay in the Hand That Rocks The Cradle, though I would say Nurse is gory enough to easily cross over from thriller.

Sure sometimes the movie tries too hard to wink at it's naughty hi-jinks, it at times comes across like a tribute to these types of movies in the late 80's the same way Machete wants to be an exploitation film. However if you are like me and grew up on 80's horror then you might have an appreciation for this movie. Who doesn't miss the days where sex and slashing came to the screen hand in hand.

Fans of torture porn and revenge flicks will look past the often card board dialogue and take the movie in for the gory fun it turns into. There is the same blood spurting chaos that Asian extreme is known for though, not taken to such fountain like levels of absurdity. In some ways the main character's break down reminds me of Patrick Bateman from American Pyscho, she starts off with an almost Dexter like mission that descends into a blood bath when she can't keep crazy together. So despite the dialogue it comes pretty close to meeting my expectations.

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