Friday, October 16, 2020

Film Review : " Host"

 Shudder is coming correct with horror movies this year, I think the most entertaining one I have seen in something or at least over the course of last Saturday when I downloaded a bunch after feeling I needed to get caught up. This one came out back in July. In the vein of the Paranormal activity movies. The British film is impressive for a variety of reasons . Some of these are behind the scenes, like how the director worked remotely with the actors. The were instructed how to light their shots that were done via Zoom, which is the platform on which the movie was set. But even more they were given a online tutorial as to how they were to handle taking care of all their effects. Some of these included people suspended in mid aire, which I have to assume was handled in post production . 

The writing and the cast are really at the heart of what makes this movie, as well as the mood it creates . This movie is a clear cut lesson often forgotten in horror. You have to care about the characters in order for it to become scary. If you have annoying character or the dumb college kids at Crystal Lake, then you root for the monster to kill them. Some characters do make stupid horror mistakes , but I feel it is given proper context. I do not like comedy , but the beginning of this movie is funny. The drinking game that occurs is one of my favorite moments. I think this makes the characters more endearing. Fun friends that you do not want to see killed.  

Of the six movies I watched last weekend this was the best with "#Alive" coming in 2nd place. I will get around to writing a review of that as well. I think since found footage movies are not coming out at the rate they once were, even if you are not normally a fan of them, there is a great deal that is entertaining about this movie . If you are not into supernatural themes then you are not going to like it , but if you do then this is a must. It might be my top contender for best horror movie of the year. It has certianly been the horror movie I have been recomending the most this week. 

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