Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Top 10 Horror Movies of the Millenium

It's the Time of Year when every one wants to ask me what are the best horror movies . They do not ask me what are the best horror movies for Halloween, just are the best ones and I think those are two seperate questions. So I am going with the best. To make a best of all time would need more than 10 entries , and would be a bit redundant after all how could I make a top 10 without "the Exorcist" , "the Shining" or "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"/ So I am making this list instead, it might spille fresher blood.

There are two components that factor into this what is being defined as good or the best ? What is horror? 

What makes them better than others? ...The ability to make you feel something, feat would be preferred but some of these also embraced a quality of darkness that offered feeling of despair or bleakness, the looming dread. Not jump scares. 

Horror there are many beautiful movies that had horror concepts but were not horror movies. Vampires being one of the most comming concepts that offered wonderfully beautiful movies like..."Let the Right One In" , "The Only Lovers Left Alive" or " Byzantium" but  they were not fear inducing on any level and just great movies.  Nothing wrong with that, it just doesn't belong on this list. Remakes are also disqualified. There is one movie on here that pays heavy tribute, but found it's own way.  There you go now lets not waste any time. 

10- "Green Inferno"

Sure it pays homage to "Cannibal Holocaust" , but the sense of gritty doom it brings is very tangible. How many cannibals in the jungle movies have we gotten in recent years. I also like the perhaps not so subtle message to activists it brings with it. 


9- "Frankenstein's Monster" 

I love Frankenstein lore. We get it mixed with Nazi's in a more gritty than grindhouse manner. It's a win. It also shows that Hollywood does not have to pump out the same kinds of Blumhouse crap they do now. 


Pyschos are a common theme in horror. The challenge is to present them in a real way, that has not been done a million times before this movie did that. I also liked "Split" but this movie is more horror and intense than that one. 

7-"House of the Devil" 

A wonderful tribute to the post-"Exorcist" horror of the 80s, I love the mood of this movie. 

6- "House of 1000 Corpses" 

I was on the fence , but it is wonderfully made, and felt intense the first few times I have seen it and fun when I still rewatch it. Zombie has not been able to touch it since. 

5- "What We Become" 

Zombies have been done to death. Not to say there are not still good zombie movies being made, most of them become action. Like "Train to Busan" or "the Horde" . Both great movies, just more fun than scary, not this one . 

4- 'What Keeps You Alive" 

The survivor vengence theme. Another trope that is sometimes pulled of better than others. 'Ready Or Not " was fun this is more intense and scary. 

3- " It Follows" 

The grim bleakness of this movie is wonderful, it left me anxious and in a low swing. 

2- "the VVitch" 

Black Philip became a horror icon. One of the best movies ever made. 

1- "Human Centipede" 

How often has the very premise of a movie made someone afraid to watch it?  Very tastefully done considering the premise. The sequel might have been everything you were afraid this was going to be, but it is what you don't see that scares you. 


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