Saturday, October 15, 2022

Film Review : "Halloween Ends"

The Halloween franchise has passed its expiration date. After the 2018 film has really been a disrespected corpse of its former self. Where there might have been potential in the first 30 minutes as character development seemed to be a focus, the film goes off the rails, when the character of Coery Cunnigham becomes a waste of time that in an attempt to create a diversion, to avoid this picking up where the last movie left off, is instead a walking plot hole that sidetracks the film. I am fine with Michael Myers living in the sewer. Maybe he is out of his prime, though if we are saying based on the two previous films and the mythos of the character who has proven himself to function at a super-human level of indestructibility, this should be the kind of constitution that keeps him from getting rusty after hiding in the sewer for a few years

. This kind of inconsistency is what this incarnation of Michael Myers runs off. Sometimes he can stab a woman into the wall and lift her off her feet with one hand while at others a woman can crucify him onto a kitchen table and break his arm. In the last movie we just saw him using superhuman strength to crush people with his bare hands. Here we get a 21-year-old man who gets bullied by high school kids, not buff ones either, only to later find himself able to wrestle with Myers. What kind of shitty writing is that? After wasting time on a love story that tries too hard to dial up the tragic elements, we get a halfhearted fight between Laurie Strode and Myers. We have already established that even at her most prepared, Strode is the pretty and Myers is the predator.

 The misdirection of Corey seemingly picking up the mantle, is a waste of time that could have been better invested in the aspects of the Halloween movies that has worked better in the past without retreading the same ground. After all it is not like it is the job of Hollywood filmmakers to tell the best story. Instead, we end up getting a garbled mess. Many of the characters are so annoying there is no investment if they live or die. The bullied young adult is not even a role that earns you sympathy. At this point the Rob Zombie movies did a better job capturing the spirit of the character than what is happening here. There is too little Michael Myers, in this ending feud with Strode. Characters who have an emotional journey just fall apart. Andi Matichak, who plays Laurie's granddaughter does a better job than Curtis.  The gore is slim considering this is one of the staples of the slasher genre. Sure, there are deserving teenagers who revenge should be extracted upon, but it never feels satisfying. If it seems like I am nitpicking about the details, then why are you so ready to accept any piece of shit Hollywood rolls off the assembly line to us

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