Sunday, October 16, 2022

Film Review : 'TERRIFIER (20016) "

 With the sequel generating a great deal of hype based off reports people were being hauled out of the theaters in ambulances after vomiting and fainting, makes you wonder if people have seen the first film. While Art the Clown is becoming an iconic figure of modern horror how warranted is it?  I went back and re-watched it after only being able to recall the one scene with the girl hung upside down and the saw being used on here. Art the Clown is silent, much like Michael Myers, but more expressive, even if his motives are not clear as to why he is brutally murders total strangers, or what connection he has to the building the killing in this movie take place in. But much like other elements of this movie you could take apart in some ways the things like the lack of a backstory are the movies strength in equal measure to beings it's weakness. 

The fact it does not need to explain everything, sets it apart from other horror movies, who perhaps take that too far. It is what you do not know about Art the Clown that creates the characters mystique. The only fair criticism of this movies lies in the fact that not all actors are created equal. The antagonist perhaps the strongest performance, as the budget scream queens, all show pretty equal distress in the poor survival choices they made. Also, if we are going to look at suspension of disbelief, people do get carved up almost too quickly, with one person being turned into a skull pumpkin, in record time.  The dread and tension are pretty high on this one as well as the fore, which makes the most of the meager budget it was constructed with. 

If you are not a fan of 80s slasher flicks this movie is almost a tribute to them. If you are a huge fan of 80s slashers and have not yet seen this film, I am not sure what you are waiting for. The budget is not going to bother, you as it gives this movie it's charm when it comes to the lighting and set pieces. This is violence for the sake of violence which I appreciate. Not sure where they are going to go with the sequel, but you can bet I will be back on here to let you know.  Though if they are going to top the saw vagina scene them, they have their workcut out, though not sure it is going to require a theater issued barf bag.   


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