Friday, August 26, 2011

Fright Night

While the original film was far from a classic it earned a place in my heart as a kid . I was surprised this was even made , but as the flux of re-makes go this was a decent blend of staying reasonable true to the source while given that modern spin hollywood loves as they think kids can't relate to anything that does not resemble their lives.
Collin Ferrel as the vampire was the weakest performance of the ensemble, the mother and son dynamic for some reason felt more like lost boys to me. the under current of sexy was not present in this version, which with the true blood trend of sexy vamps , this surprises me , though i did enjoy the more monstrous take on the myth, i think micheal c hall would have pulled off the sociopath role better , and his range as an actor i'm sure he could have pulled it off in away that made people forget for a minute he's Dexter .
The cgi effects , got no complaints , with the exception of the arm lost by Christopher Plasse, who played the red mist in kick ass, as he take the turn to the undead as evil ed, i think in the original this character was handle more effectively
the other problem with the movie lies in the way it was paced was not as effective as the original either much like let me in, it tried to be different for the sake of being different than building any sort of tension.
the peter vincent character who is a criss angel type performer rather than a creature feature host was the only area where being different worked . the character had a real charm . Much like the original , i can't say this movie would be considered scary to any one who is out of diapers. i think most horror fans can appreciate the fact it is well made and the general lack of horror on screen this year we are taking what ever we can get unfortunatly it's sequels to tepid franchises like final destination...none of those movies will ever grace this blog as they are little more than cw teen dramas.
If you have 11 dollars to burn this movie is entertaining if nothing else, though less blood the true blood. It at least was a good timekiller as i wait for decent copy of don't be afraid of the dark to pop up online.

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