Monday, August 8, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

While this isn't a horror movie , the movie's tone darkens through out and reminded me of the man vs nature horror movies of the sixties and seventies , so i am sure horror fans can definitely appreciate this even if they were born after 1980 and lack a fondness for the original file. As a kid the planet of apes movies were my favorite series right along side of the Frankenstein, Tarzan and Sinbad series. The original series served as metaphor for civil rights issues at the times . That tone is absent here, instead we get a science gone wrong flick. Well acted and shot the cgi apes are the stars James Franco earned his paycheck.
The film gives many blatant winks at the first film, but takes it's self seriously other wise. My only complaint is the actual rise of the apes is in the last twenty minutes of the , though the movie didn't drag , it could have been paced a little differently to have afforded the apes big day. With out being a major spoilers i can say they left another room to wedge a sequel to this in between where the film leaves off and Planet of the apes begins, one promising little tidbit is this makes no illusions to the awful tim burton remake and is directly related to the original series, so no Micheal Jackson looking Zeera's.
Other recent movies i have made and attempt to watch have not keep me this wrapped up in it , so even with the lacking build of the apes takeover , i was highly entertained , it was respectful to the source material , though different in tone .

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