Sunday, August 14, 2011

Troll Hunter

While it will be lumped in with horror films, in the same manner Cloverfeild is i have a hard time with it as a horror movie, though the running through the woods using night vision might be scary to some, bringing us back to the psychology of what scare people. I for don't have a fear of giant monsters, Godzilla and King Kong are icons of the genre but are they scary, i would like to meet some one who is scared by a godzilla movie.
This movie like cloverfeild , a comparison very easy to make though , i found Troll Hunter the superior film, never for once did i buy the disaster movie element to cloverfeild, or Monsters for that matter , which might have beaten Trollhunter to the theater , i might even have like Monsters better than Cloverfield and i think it has a higher fear factor than all three. While we are on giant monsters it should og on the record that the Host is the superior movie of the new wave of monster movies.
Where troll hunter excels is painting the picture , the suspension of disbelief and for having the balls to put those goats on the bridge but not make the gag too heavy handed .. or hoofed. i could also raised to a toast to the fact any under used monster appears on the screen, i think minotaurs are due a better shake than the narnia movies . Up until this point lotr and the 80's comedy-ish troll series were the only trolling on screen.
The acting in troll hunter succeeded in the sense , you believed thats what these people were really doing , despite the cgi troll, i think for realism and the aiding of the suspension of disbelief the trolls could have been shorter. I doubt it will make it onto my top ten horror list though i suppose it's bubbling under as the competition isn't very stiff , see next post for the mid year report card. i think with trolls the scene on the bridge was handled best because less was more, in other scenes the trolls looked more like the creatures from the where the wild things are movie, losing their menace , when you are trapped in a cave by ugly teddy bears. so i will conclude it by saying , i was entertained , kinda like a band who wears there influences on their sleeve but does such a good job in the execution you let it slide. recommended to those willing to keep their expectation low and then they will be pleasantly surprised. so while i am not on the fence about if this is a good movie or not i am trying to figure out how good was it , good not great .

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