Saturday, November 30, 2013

We Are What We Are


I'll take back woods cannibals over another zombie movie any day, but  before you write that concept off as another Texas Chainsaw Massacre rip off, this movie does  it in a much more subtle manner. Director Jim Mickle who is raking up some thoughtful horror movies under his belt after having also directed Stakeland, remakes the 2010 Mexican film of the same name with a lot of artistic grace.


It's a shame the film saw such a limited release as despite it's slow plotting at the beginning is a pretty flawless film if you have the patience for its ambiance to build. It follows a family that carries on a tradition of gruesome dietary habits dating back hundred of years. This doesn't define the characters who are struggling like the rest of the town in the wake of a flood that hit the small town.

The film works best when it shows how this family , who have isolated themselves in order to keep their secrets, still manages to engage the outside world, The oldest daughter even has some romantic ties to the deputy . This is where the acting shines , as they never come across as crazy, the children don't follow their father with blind faith, as the two daughter are at a coming of age place with their lifestyle after their mother dies and the must carry on the tradition.


Its not devoid of gore but doesn't overcompensate by relying on it. The thought of what they do and the two girls struggle of is this how they want to live their lives is where the real tension comes from. The family dysfunction is one sided abuse or cut and dry but allow the character to exist in a moral gray area, that hits closer to home than just a nut job with bloody barbecue and a chainsaw.

If you like ample doses of the physiological grotesque and are not too jaded of a gore hound to appreciate the story then this movie is worth your time. If you are even a fan of Mickle's work in Stakeland then you can appreciate the character driven tone of this movie.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sleepy Hollow

I know the way the show is being promoted it makes it look like it wants to be Grimm, but you need to give it a chance. While it's not as horror based as American Horror Story and has a large does of fantasy that comes with it , the show is rather engaging once you get half way into the first episode. How much of the Headless Horseman is their really to tell, that Tim Burton or Disney Cartoon's haven't already touched upon?

Sleepy Hollow is much like Haven or Sunnydale ,where its a city that the supernatural is drawn to. In Sleepy Hollow's case witches have been attracted to it , as well as those people who happen to keep slipping through time. The Headless Horseman is also one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. So far in the first five episodes,this ground has been covered. Some episodes have that Supernatural monster of the week feel, others are more character driven and the Ichabod Crane as a man out of time, now playing as the buddy cop to the shows other protagonist.

Hopefully the bad witches angle will be delved into deeper as there has only been one episode to focus on that. That witch served as the monster of the week sort of thing, just as the folk lore of the Sandman, not Neil Gaiman's version, was explored. The effects on the show are some of the best for something I feel Fox had originally green lit as a shot in the dark, not sure if they wanted their own version of Once Upon a Time or Supernatural.

Sure it might not be the darkest thing on television ,as there are now shows that have raised that bar retty high, however it is a lot of fun and kicks back into episodes again September 4th, I'm not sure why the network is skipping out on halloween week for an episode, it doesn't make sense , but it gave me a chance to get caught up.

Monday, September 23, 2013

The End of Dexter

The final season of Dexter up until the final episode "Remember the Monsters" might not have been as good as say the Trinity Season, but it was pretty solid keeping the tension coiled pretty tightly , and using the fact this was the final season to put more weight behind its punch.  Earlier in the season it carried over from the previous season the feeling that Dexter was losing control. Bringing Harrison in the car to find Deb, seemed to make it look as if he was following a downward spiral of the typical serial who gets careless and more explosive until he gets caught. Ever character who was introduced seemed to gain possible leverage to Dexter being caught.

Then when Hannah resurfaced it looked like Dexter pulled it all together and put the life he could have with her and Harrison as a priority, saying that he didn't care what happened to Saxon as long as someone killed him, he was ok with Miami Metro taking Saxon in. Then Deb got shot and the storm came a combination of events that brought that to a halt. So when Dexter went back for Deb is where thing stopped being as thought out so meticulously as they normally are.

Deb gets a blood clot and goes from bad to worse. Dexter goes after Saxon who is taken into police custody , while I can make sense of this if Dexter was making a better case for himself , then he would have made it look like that Saxon was more of the aggressor than he did, but he was supposed to be overcome with grief about Deb. I can even deal with that after Quinn and Angel watched the security footage with him.

Even going back to finish Deb, I can make sense of , but they way her rolled her body out of the hospital seemed a little over dramatic, seems like he would have at least stolen a hospital uniform, rather than in his kill room brown.  Dumping her body over the side of the boat reached the further limits of the character as it would seem like he would want more for his sister than dumping her where all the other bodies of his victims were. But deciding to fake his own death to get out of the lives of his son and Hannah seems out of character, particularly after his final memories of Deb  centered on Harrison's birth. Deb's final words for Dexter were for him to go be happy in his life with Hannah and Harrison. So this means that

A- Dexter decided to  just become selfish and ignore Deb's last request, which seems odd he would honor her memory in that way and

B - the change that occurred when Dexter came a father was undone in the span of the final twenty minutes. If Dexter was going to live it doesn't make sense he would do so at peril of the relationship between he and his son. I'm a parent and this does not compute. I can understand faking his death even if we want to take a long shot to throw everyone of his tail once and for all in case other evidence in his murders ever came up but not going to get his son is out of character for what we had established for him up to this point and there wasn't enough hot water for him to be in to justify this . So the writers should have ran this about maybe actual parents and seen how unlikely that decision was.

They did seem intent on making sure the series had an unhappy ending and hinted the only ways this could occur was to get caught or die, though going into hiding was on the table , it seems like doing so with another killer who is also wanted makes the most sense if you are not making sense because if someone doesn't identify you they might identify her but made sense for the character who was blind to that side of her. It didn't ruin the show for me but made the sting of the series finale a little harder to swallow and a sour note to end on. But I'll keep telling myself it's just a show , which I did not do with Buffy or  Smallville .

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Frankenstein's Army

Director Richard Raaphorst is no stranger to the business having worked as a conceptual artist for films like Dagon and Beyond Re-animator, so the concepts for the monster experiments in this film are well realized. The movie works off the found footage angle, as it's being shot on film that looks grainy but pretty good to be taken in the 1940's, as a Russian Platoon stumbles over  the workshop belonging one of the many heir's to the Frankenstein legacy.

For me the pacing works better than most, especially the other Frankenstein found footage film the Frankenstein Syndrome which played out like a poor man's Troll Hunter. This movie is like a walk through a haunted house, with creatures popping out from claustrophobic corridors to mangle their victims , which it is a horror movie so we know is going to be the soldiers whose eyes we are seeing this from. 

The quality of the gore effects could be better , it comes across as 70's Grindhouse, not as intentional campy in most parts as Hobo with a Shotgun or Dear God No, when a helmets is pulled off of a head and takes the brain with it, the effect is close to comedic. 

Where this movie works is in the monsters, though some could have used a little more love from the make up department, but when they are almost more robotic in nature, they succeed in looking like Nazi was machines, one even has a propeller for a head which as you can imagine make for good chopping, but highly combustible. 

The acting despite the variance in accents , is pretty convincing considering the budget being worked with though one of the main characters reminds me of Buster from Arrested Development and I can always appreciate an original take on the Frankenstein myth, though if you are hoping for a Boris Karloff clone in a nazi uniform, guess again  ,nor does this go for the same feel as say Inglorious Bastards or Dead Snow, in capturing the time period. I was entertained despite the budget constraints of gore and hope some one makes action figures of those monsters.       

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dexter Season 8 Premiere

Showtime is not making it a secret this is the last season of Dexter in fact they are being heavy handed  in promoting the season that way. Normally the show sees a late September launch, this year it got pushed up to July , meaning less production time. The quality though has yet to show signs that it has been rushed.

It starts off six months after  LaGuerta's death. Dexter is reviewing how he has moved on with his life but we later see things might not be as intact as the picture he tries to paint in his narrative.  His relationship with Deb has deteriorated and she has maintained contact with Quinn but not her brother, as the episode builds we see how this effects Dexter.

The first major new character we see is Charlotte Rampling playing Evelyn Vogel an expert on psychopaths, who comes into consult on a case. She appears at first to be implied as a foil for Dexter, which is another zinger the writers seem to be teasing you with is who will catch Dexter. Will it be Deb who tells her brother she shot the wrong person or Angel who becomes obsessed with Maria's death and rejoins the force?  I think its safe to take Quinn out of the equation as he is too embroiled in drama with Angel's sister , though it's teased in promotional footage that Deb is confessing to him.

Last season they really began to work in the angle of Dexter losing control and getting sloppy as a precursor to his downfall. This season that is amped way up, almost to the point of where it seems to be out of character an made me wonder if their aim is to make him less likeable as a character so viewers will cheer against him , like someone turning heel in professional wrestling. I would think the show has tried to maintain some creative integrity and would go about this with more grace, but things like Dexter losing his temper with Harrison and later putting him in harms way felt like clues thats this was the direction being taken.

While we don't see anyone on Dexter's table aside from the intro where this is only hinted at he does kill someone, though in a less controlled and calculated manner than usual. The new serial killer which has become like a monster of the month element on the show, doesn't start off with a vulgar display like the Ice Truck Killer or Doomsday, but then Trinity didn't either. To the show's credit this season while somewhat melodramatic in its start was much enjoyed and has me chomping at the bit for the next episode, the elements that bothered me was due to the deconstruction of a character I find to be relatable and has come a big part of three months of my life for the past seven years so my grieving has begun.

Monday, June 17, 2013

True Blood Season 6

So we are back with a new season of True Blood that premiered last night.  I had not been looking forward to this season as much as I had past ones even though I enjoyed last season. Six season is a long time to hang tough and the show  had some episodes which have gotten bogged down in the multiple story lines, with Sookie not being directly involved in many of them. This season picks up right where we left off from last , with Billith on a rampage. This starts off feeling very horror as Sookie and Eric try to escape. Later the season arc foreshadows its self when Eric see an interview with the Mayor of Louisiana who wants to take the day back and wages a war of sorts on vamps.

Sookie seems confused most of the episode but when she stakes the uber power upped Bill she seems pretty confident in her choice. Her brother is now obsessed with finding their parents Killer. The episode did flow really well, the Mayor character fills the place of a Russell Edgington type character, though not as in your face big bad , he is more the man pulling strings and making deals behind the scenes. When his people go to shut down Fangtasia they appear to be armed with the fire power to put vampires down and it didn't appear to be wooden bullets so maybe some sort of sliver nitrate.

Jessica , my favorite character for aesthetic reasons, if very comfortable being uncomfortable in her own undead skin and when Bill has her under her sway he sides with him against Eric's contingent in a very watchdog manner.  Sam isn't in the episode much, he does take on a big responsibility. Lafayette is pretty much just hiding out at the bar in one scene, so his role is waaay scaled back.  There are fey babies who grow up rather quickly to Andy's chagrin.

Pam is conflicted to say the least o find out about Eric's sister and we see more of the strained dynamics of their 100 year relationship which Tara finds out how resentful Pam is about her place in his life. The were-wolves are celebrating Alcide as their new pack master, there is a new were-wolf girl who is pretty decent eye candy, so that means if you know my taste she is on the curvy side. So i hope to see more of her as the skinny red neck thing most of the woman have going on gets old.

Overall I look forward to seeing where they go from here so will be tuning in. I think when the show takes a more serious turn it lends itself to being horror so lets hope they push it further in that direction.    

Saturday, May 11, 2013


This is a remake of the 1980 film, which while I enjoyed the original I'm not so attached to it that despite my remake burn out was able to go into this film with an open mind. To say at 5'6" Elijah Wood strikes a less imposing figure than the 5'11" Joe Spinell from the original who did such a good job in the role that John Wayne Gacy wanted him to portray him on screen. So the biggest suspension of disbelief here is how Wood can over power some of these women who are not much smaller than he is. Wood however is a convincing enough crazy but he comes across like a cross between a mewling Norman Bates and Gullom.

P2 director Franck Khalfoun works well with the actors, all the performances are very natural to help maintain the gritty realism. A large majority of the movie is shot from Wood's point of view , not unlike a found footage film, with POV close ups on the killing, most of the gore is just scalping. I commend the movie from not bulking at the tone of the source film in trying to be more politically correct in toning down the violence towards women that many of the movies do these days , it keeps the women objectified though a little more dimensional than in the original film. The fact Wood's take on the character is so fittingly demasculinized , I think reflects on culturally where audiences are these days with emo vampires coming out of the coffins , a more sensitive serial while hearkening back to Norman Bates is nothing new, it does seem to flourish in todays over therapized mommy issue culture. But even with this element it think is more of a testament to what works in this movie because it was entertaining.

Sure we get the flash black elements , and these sequences remind me of the Heart is Deceitful Above all Things, with the coke whore mom, but these dont weigh the movie down and later when his ghost come back to haunt him, give those things a little more weight. Wood plays his character sympathetically enough to create an awkward tension where you feel the character can not help it and half the suspense much like Dexter is in the Man vs himself waiting for the other shoe to drop.

If you know the original then the mannequin elements are still intact and there are even certain iconic shoots that are recaptured down to the frame as needed. I think this is the way to do a remake, the different slant of the grainy cinematography still manages to invoke the dirty big city where a coat of crazy lurks under the sleaze. I think this movie is going to slip into the crack and be shamefully overlooked as the tortured serial killer crop of today could learn a lot from this film, it's the more painful awkwardness that Dexter lost after a few seasons combined with a darker and more depraved frosting that makes this work, I think it's the duty of horror films to make us squirm and feel uncomfortable more than just saying boo and this film succeeds where too many film makers over look it , leaving it for films like Enter the Void.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hemlock Grove

The Netflix series leads off with tits out to let you know they are trying to be more True Blood than Vampire Diaries though it I suppose it might appeal to both, just for the first episode you hope it doesn't get mired down in its own pretentious mythology like the Vamp Diaries do. The Cinematography comes of as more impressive than either show and it's apparent there is some cash sunk into this. But both comparisons are more about content than tone, this being a show about were-wolves who have only good and their own four paws to mixed success on the often cheesier than to Teen-wolf.

The big question for horror no matter then medium is ...Is the Scary? The answer is ...No. Pretty...yes. Pretty people well there are other genre shows that have this one outclassed here, I can see a few subplots which might distance themselves from their peers and that's really what this show needs to do. Say werewolves these days and the first thing people under thirty say to me is...Twilight. Not the Wolf-man, the Howling or Sliver Bullet. These werewolves if you are wondering are big wolves , not my favorite, I have to admit I like even the hybrid element of Teen Wolf better than just a big wolf. My least favorite incarnation , my favorite set to screen in some time is actually Van Helsing , which is all that movie had going for it. But they are going for a tad more realism here despite the more fantastical metamorphosis.

The acting is on the better side of decent. The high school elements don't drag the show down. There is the rich entitled kid and the stereotypical loner who is a bad boy hybrid of a hipster and a hippie who says that an uninverted pentagram is metal, so there are poseurs about in the writing department. Theis show is based on the debut Novel by Brian Mcgreevy which was released march of last year, so the source material has hardly stood any test of time and I would think something like Antia Blake would beg to be brought to life before a year old debut novel. Eli Roth directs the pilot episode and his the shows executive producer so the show hs that going for it.

With Famke Jammson holding down the big name role, she plays the role of a rich British governess like Lady Lannister. I'm am not sure how calculated of a move this is. One of the many acting Skarsgaard boys holds down another role as well. I do want to give the rest of the seasons a chance, though I'm a little suspect as to how this is not going to turn into the Hardy boys meet the wolf man. The gore while present doesn't pose much of a threat to Hannibal which looks to be leading the pack in terms of horror on t.v at least until American Horror Story kicks back up in the fall.

I do think it's intresting Netflix choose to take a stab at horror when casting their hat into the ring, to compete. I think this says something for the genres health on the small screen, granted this fall more under urban fantasy than horror at this point it has atleast shown its not paranormal romance like teen wolf. The initial cinematography has my attention and plays a large part in my continued viewership.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lords of Salem

Well...I am without a doubt Rob Zombies target market for this film as occult themed horror is my favorite though this plays for and against me as a viewer. I can understand the slower pacing to create suspense, i think this was achieved to a greater level of effectiveness in House of the Devil. Rosemary's Baby is one of my all time favorite movies, and I can almost forgive the blatant rip off if there was more of a pay off. Granted I want to watch this again least the end as I began dozing off during what was supposed to be the movies climax though I think I caught the fit of it it was all done of a Satanic carrot. I would think the witches would want to get more of a return for the work they put into this diabolical plot would want more than a carrot baby , though the perfectly fine baby they did get back I the baby they spit on so what was the end game you might wonder, other than a mass suicide for the women of Salem.

This Sheri Moon vehicle displayed a balance of her naked ass and acting chops, I would prefer her with a little more meet on her bones but I guess she is alright for what she has to work with. The junkie routine cold use a little fine tuning. The rest of the acting worked around dialogue that didn't seem like the sharp crude banter found in his other films. The perverse Priest dream seemed a little forced. The subtle moments worked the best the masked man taking his goat for a walk I think the creep factor is what this film could have stood to have played up.

If you have seen the posters with the corpse paint on the, , this movie has nothing to to with black metal, promos for leads you to believe it's like a remake of Trick or Treat and that's not the case at all. The Lords sound more like a Jarboe album. For the radio station to suddenly have a big ticket push for a Lords concert after only play a track of Ambient dissonance once doesn't make sense and even with a solid dose of suspension of disbelief in tow , there are still a lot of dots that don't connect.

What I liked about the movie, the cinematography was sometimes brilliant it the use of color in some of the shot to create a Kubrick feel at times. Here though it was stylistically all over the place. When this was done in House of a Thousand Corpses it worked as it created more of a Natural Born Killers feel, the movie was taking a more serious tone and would have made the more surreal visuals stand out more . The random goat appearances I like and think the goat alone would have worked better than the devil yeti or the turkey dwarf. The faceless men were ok and worked better than just showing us monsters. When the witches became more protective of the strung out Moon, I think it worked, this could have taken a creepier tone perhaps.

The movie was worth watching, I just feel that what I watched could have had more impact. He knows how to scare you so why are there no scares in this. There was eye candy sprinkled about, he knows how to dress a set for sure. It was a pretty movie for the most part a few slips in the fx dept, the turkey demon costume and the devil yeti, were both out of a 50's b film at best , which would have been fine if it fit the tone of the movie. The budget looks like it was taxed more in post-production. I applaud Zombie for indulging himself and making this movie which he clearly wanted to make as there was no appeasing the studios on this one. I do think that making a horror movie that just isn't scary doesn't make sense and if that's the intention them they should have gone in a more David Lynch or Croenberg route and been stale more often than not.

If you are bored and/ or stoned on a Saturday night and this comes on Cable it's worth a watch but not really even a trip to the theater because I don't want Hollywood to think that I am voting for horror that just isn't scary, in truth I was more afraid for the dog to get eaten by the wrinkled witch at the sink than any of the characters all were hindered by the rough dialogue for you to care about them as it was a collection of jerks and smug bitches. I'll give the ending a another watch and if the parts I slept through change my mind get back to you but im thinking they more than likely won't . Color this the disappointment of the year. I suppose while I'll check out the Purge Nurse is the next one I'm hoping for big things out of.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Evil Dead

No secret I have reached remake exhaustion. I am also not much a Sam Raimi fan. The Original trilogy , while I can appreciate it's entertainment value just get to silly for me. Stuart Gordon films are really the only horror movies whose camp I enjoy, I prefer everything very grim with no survivors. So the fact that this movie took on a more serious tone than the original worked for me , in fact it manage to to that while keeping the tone of a Sam Raimi film. With out the attachments to the first film I think I was able to go in with pretty low expectations as I had heard mixed reviews from my friends.

Really the only let down for me was the Tree Rape scene which was more of a branch slithering up her leg and took away the reap implications which as it is no surprise to any one who is a regular reader was my favorite part with the original. The back story was fine and the premise that they were taking this girl out here to detox made sense to me as well. The fx is a point of contention for some people who want only practical effects and no cgi, I think it used the modern technology but didn't abuse it i like how the blood was such a vivid red. It seemed the make up was a mixed bag, but the gore was pretty fulfilling. I've heard it said this is going to be the scariest horror movie to come out all year and well I'm still rooting for what I have seen of Lords of Salem. It could very well be the goriest horror movie, I think Lords of Salem well be more well made from a cinematic perspective as it looks like Rob Zombie's homage to Stanley Kubrick and of course Nurse has yet to see the light of the screen.

I think fans of the first film will find all the elements they appreciate from the first film unless they are really invested in the camp which when you take away the date effect and silly dialogue takes away that element in the modernization. I think it works better for this movie than it will the Carrie remake. Did Evil Dead really need to be remade in the first place ...well of course not.

I did like the fact despite the acting seemed like it needed to be warmed up into their roles that the characters connected with the viewer more than just some dumb kids going to a creepy cabin in the woods for the weekend. Where there a bunch of don't go into the basement moments, loaded with that type of horror victim thinking , not a good decision made by them until the end.

I like visually the rain of blood, pretty much any blood that splattered , i think the nail gun was the only gore that made me antsy,the rest was pretty low key on the gross out even though the violence was outlandish, the knife split tongue the only real 80's moment aside from when his sister glided over to attack him in the flooded basement.Due to the drought in horror until Lords of Salem hits I think it is worth at least the Matinee prices for this. I can understand if you feel giving your money to Hollywood on this one is more of a vote for remakes than it is to horror. But if you are a fan of the original and otherwise o.k with remakes then its worth checking out.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Only a few episodes in and I like it though with the whole college campus game subplot that emerges by episode three, I can see where this show might be molded for the Cw, but other than that it is probably the best show you aren't watching. Timing is unfortunate because the Following has a similar theme if you just take it as a horror themed show about a cult, but that would be a very surface judgement as I think Cult has more layers and is closer to being horror than the Kevin Bacon vehicle. Not to say I don't find the Following entertaining, I'm going to post another blog on that this weekend.

Cult is the darkest show on Televison right now, since American Horror Story isnt on and I'll go ahead and say its darker than the Walking Dead where zombies have become the window dressing for the Hatfeilds vs the McCoys. The whole show within a show, element add to it as does the conspiracy elements. The show is set it grimerier locations which might not seem too appealing for the CW demographic and as I watch it I wonder what viewers of shows like the Vampire Diaries and Arrow think of this. Sure Smallville got into conspiracies at some point and there is the claustrophobic feeling of some greater than the characters keeps the desperation alive, which is what a zombie show should capture but I think walking dead has kinda missed the mark there.

It's not weighed down with pretty people's you would expect a show on CW to be though the computer chick and the Indian girl are attractive in way that appeals to me more than the overly groomed way they normally portray girls on the Vampire diaries are arrow where they are just too skinny. I think Cult's writing is better at keeping you on your toes than other show who sometimes try to hard, it feels like a natural spiral into this world, which the show in the show sucks their viewers into this Cult of its own which I'm sure will get brought up sooner or later. The gore is well not at the level of Supernatural we have gotten a suicide and some stabbings , but some of the death has been pretty creative and more Poe like than the Following where Poe was a theme at one point.

I thin there is an audience for it and I hope they reach beyond there normally demographic to capture it, while this isn't there American Horror Story it's closer to that than the Following and despite shared subject matter still a very different showand less of a crime drama.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bates Motel

So i saw an advance of the new show that is billing it's self as a prequel to the 1960 classic which is not only a crowning achievement but one of the greatest directors Alfred Hitchcock but could also be one of the greatest films ever made , that that is what we are weighing this against...not another teen thriller on the CW but a movie that changed the game and created the horror subgenre we now know as slasher films what paved the way for the likes of Halloween, Texas chainsaw Massacre , Hostel ..etc. In and of it self the show is entertaining when it stays out of high-school, lets face even on their best days the whole highschool thing has been done to death and after Buffy is it even needed to go there, not like there is a lack of that sort of thing on tv in the first place.

The major strike against the show is it's modernized ,now im not sure how a prequel to something set in 1960 ends up in 2013...yes there are ipods and iphones... so a key plot device of the original film is rendered a mute point as Janet Leigh could have gotten on her iphone and looked up triple a or a less creepy hotel or used mapqwest to know a better highway was built. So its silly really, they missed an opportunity to have retro feel , made a horror version of madmen...oh yeah before you say well why copy madmen...well why copy a thousand high-school shows.

Another think is i understand nerd is the new hipster but a car full of girls fawning over a dorky Norman Bates who has a overbearing mother is a little much more me to suspend my disbelief on and he needs to be more fucked up over chicks thats why he grew up to get all his voyeuristic kicks out of the peep hole shower. This show has the momentum of a lot of unfounded hype over it, based off of what commercial? their are a ton of people liking it on Facebook when it was sight unseen so they are all going to feel pretty stupid once they actually watch it. Its not horrible, it for the most part want to be the parts I like least about Dexter the teenage flash backs. But it was still watchable despite this, part of this was there is a rape in the first episode, though a pretty tame on, and on A&E I have low expectations for the shower scenes to come.

The Norman Bates character does capture some of his mannerisms and his awkward communication disconnects though the dynamic with him and his mother needs some work, but im not totally sold on this kid or his mother who is almost too likable at this point, though she is passive aggressive enough for you to see where its going. The problem with prequels is we know whats going to happen, he cant get killed or caught, so the stakes aren't as high as Dexter as in some ways this is the vampire diaries version of Dexter. Sure there wouldn't be a Dexter with out Psycho but that's not stopping these writers.

I don't see this being able to hold its own as a series, the modernization is going to drag the show into lowest common denominator teen fodder, and the horror elements are going to remain on par with Vampire Diaries, though Im not sure the looming Hannibal Lecter series is going to be much better and have yet to check out Ripper Street, though I plan on it once i get caught up with everything else, consider this a lesson in be careful what you like before you see it as its not as offensive as what I expected but misses the mark of respecting the source material.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Last Exorcism 2

I'm not opposed to found footage films, I might be in the minority here. I think you can take what was a gimmick used back in 1999 with the Blair Witch and do some interesting things with it , I mean the fact it's being used fourteen years later says something, I think the first Last Exorcism did this well. I liked the way the tone changed and was not bothered by the more fantasy infused ending. The sequel had some balls to abandon this format and strike out on its own path, but doesn't have the tonal shit just got real shift the first film has.

Ashley Bell reprises her role as Nell Sweetzer and she makes the movie. Her character is more interesting in the setting of a half way house where she is trying to find her way since surviving the backwoods cult. Her acting is on
Ar with the first film though the actually possession doesn't get much screen time. The Demond Abalam is smitten with her and wants to get her back so perhaps this is a horror romance, Nell doesn't play hard to get as much a sorry devil it's not you it's me and I've decided you aren't real.

The coming of age plot uses what most films do sex and it's temptation as the plot device, there's a crush on a boy, a fist kiss, and then listening to a couple in the next room of the hotel she works at fuck that really pulls herin. I liked how the infection of lust seeped out from the wall paper. The scen where her hand is possessed to masturbate is not only very relatable but I think served the film well, in some ways it reminded me of Danny in the Shining.

I think there was a lot of stuff that could have been fleshd out more, the cult in New Orleane , we are aware there were was something sinister going on just like there were the voodoo good guys who came to help I think having the bad guys more defined would have added more tension, I suppose it could be argued Nell was hallucinating someon that but the preacher would have been scarier if there was more of a tie. Ok we got dead ravens and some creepers at Mardi GRAS which which strangely uncrowned for Mardi GRAS . The connection to her room,ate was a little two dimensional, was her room mate reall out to get her , the smiles were subtle. I think the tension level and emotional investment could have been expanded on maybe the zoo trip trimmed down and some of the time spent vacuuming.

I will say the other big thing that hampered the film was its pg13 rating. Horror movies should all be rated r . Make it a law and allow the directors to give audiences what the want, there needed to be a lesbian scen with her and her room mate. The gore was pretty tame, I can understand taking a Hitchcock position and what your imagination sees I your minds eye is always scarirer but it seemed like it was toned down from the first film. The first film felt creepier as you knew they were secluded at the farm house, there needed to be something to make up for that. The whole End of Days feeling could have been expanded upon, I think the first film was just a lot scarier l the opening scene worked great but the tension dropped once we got to the half way house. It was however not a bad movie as sequels go. I liked most of how it was shot I think it could have been darker in tone, and not sure why I felt it wasn't dark enough, it was better than End of days , Stigmata and the Possession and well most other movies of thi silk since the first film with only Devil Inside being better and the second Paranormal Activity. So if you are Adam of this exorcism sub genre or Omen like supernatural end of times sort of thing check it out. If not its worth a rainy day on net flicks.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Days of the Dead 2013

Held this year at the Sheraton in Atlanta, it was a step up from the conventions's debut in Atlanta last year. There were more dealers and if I had the money to spend would have walked away with a King Diamond action figure as well as an Ilsa She Wolf of the SS shirt. But I'm broke so avoiding spending money this year. The guests could be just as easily approached leaving the bar as they were at there tables , so I ran into both Tom Savini and Danny Trejo. I also saw Eddie Munster and Eerie Von wandering around ,the latter I did not recognized with out his devil lock. The Cosplay , was in full effect but of course couldn't compare to Dragon con, I was working with Chambers of Horror so as a Con rarity for me I spent Saturday night in costume as well. So you know it was me as the creepy old man being wheeled around I the wheel chair, sometimes with a giant green phallus.

The Hotel was easier to hang out in, the security seemed a little too tight at the Ball Saturday night, where Feind Without a Face played, the band featuring members of Mastodon , not the movie they were named after. Sure coffee was overpriced and their wasn't a con suite to help make up for thatif but oh we'll it was a block away from the same food court that hosts dragon con , so my. If treat was a trip to dairy queen on sat.

When this con rolls through your town it is worth the trip, particularlly if you are a collector as there DVDs of movies I hadn't even heard of being made which is rare and several titles which it would be impossible to find torrents of, as well as t shirts and toys galore. A lot of it did deviate from the horror genre as there were alof of Masters of the Universe figures as well as Superheroes.Aside from the action figures I think Metal could have been represented a little better..aside from Ace Frehley and Eerie Von being there. Since I think at risk of crossover into the bounds of my other blog Abysmal Hymns, that since the eighties horror has played a essential role as they soundtrack to horror movies.

I think this Con is headed in the right direction, in Atlanta we have Dragon-con, which has had years to develop so the temptation to weigh it against it aren't fair as it is still in the toddler stages. I think the inclusion of fan panels would be a smart move even though this is a Travelling brand of a convention like the comic con brand , just with out the weight behind the name like Comic con has, I think reaching out to their local connections would be wise to create more participation and a greater variety of things to do. The inclusion of the Splatter Ball which featured live music and performances helped keep the party moving and things alive past midnight. I mean come on its a horror convention , things that go bump in the night is what it's all about so getting the night bumping is crucial, perhaps later hours for the main rooms , making it more nocturnal event would be fitting. I mean who is going to something at noon that's when most people should be waking up. All night movie marathons, hosted by the starts would be a great touch as well.

So my top ten list of things I enjoyed and things I want to see...

Not in any particular order

1- the new and improved dealer room

2-finally recognizing Eerie Von

3-later running time

4-more costumes

5-King Diamond action figures

6- there was less emphasis on zombies

7-Circus Envy's booth

8-the Sheraton being a better hotel than last year

9-seeing such a large number of my friends in one place

10- Ace Frehelys security precautions

To improve

1- go bump the night all night

2- horror movie marathons

3-more metal...and where was the death rock?

4-well Alice Cooper might be more fitting than Ace

5-sluttier costumes

6-more panels

7-less Star Wars and Masters of the Universe

8-a haunted house would be cool there...

9-Creature for the black lagoon in the pool?

10-more occult oriented things

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Getting into the Grindhouse

After seeing Django Unchained last night, I was thinking about the revivalist Grindhouse films cropping up more in recent years. It's a trend that has had promise and some times gets elements of it right but normally never the complete film. Django is not exception to this despite this being ground which has kept Tarantinos career afloat for years , even in the case of Jackie Brown taking the risk of just being out right boring. I don't think I have ever stayed awake for the entirety of that film.

The blatant homage in the Grindhouse film which was the double feature of Death Proof and Planet Terror. I like planet terror and would put it in my top fifty horror movies list. Death proof had hot chicks and stylistically worked on a few levels but I think took the joke and ran too far. Sure every hipster is going to try and tell you Hobo with a Shotgun is great when it is absymal on almost every level. I will even go as far to saw the Hachet films are basically Grindhouse homages, though very influenced by Troma films which was influenced by the Grindhouse era as well.

With Django , I initially didn't want to see it because it looked too black power for me. Though I do like some Blackplotation , mainly just the Pam Grier films, and Scream Blacula Scream. Tarintino I think took too many of those films to heart as a kid and has some personal indentity issues involving race, almost a reverse racism.

It's Cristoph Waltz who steals the show just as he did in Inglorious Bastards which I found to be superior to Django. I did like to see Waltz play Victor Frankenstein, I think he would make the character very sympathetic or Baron Mordo in the Dr. Strange movie. The naziplotation sub genre is among my favorite , while I prefer the Ilsa movies , I think Iron Sky though overly comedic did an admirable job.

One element with Django is there were several good rape opportunities passed up and this seems to be a sticking point with Tarrantino is he never commits to rape unless it's the man on man in Pulp Fiction...un well, I'm all for equal choices in sexuality so to Judging maybe he needs to come out of the closet. I think the graphic rape depictions is hat put the x in the exploitive nature of Grindhouse. Without it why else were women getting naked unless it was a Russ Meyer film, and even then Russ knew how to use rape. It's the debasement of humiliation that really sells it and darkens the tone of these films. I think I made it known my outrage at the Grey Anatomy nature of the rape I the Straw Dogs remake , which is what made run Bitch run so great.

Speaking of great why not take a look at my list of top ten Modern Grindhouse films

10- Candy Stripers- sci fi with seductive alien women mating with Teenagers, the cgi is pretty bad but this is entertaining like breeders was

9-Intlorious Bastards- aside from the liberties with history one of the better nazi movies beats out the visual superior tone of Iron Sky because it's not as blatantly comedic

8- Sheitan - well a girl jacks off a dog at one point and it brought a second date to Satans still so that's worth something, pretty creepy

7-visitor q- this house guest incites incest and ll other lactating wackiness , oh the Asians

6- Pervert- just because Mary Carey is in it doesn't disqualify this homage to russ Meyer as porn

5-Planet Pyscho- this is too tongue in check to be horror and could have used some rape

4-run bitch run- the star is hot and neo ally don't like blondes, but some rop rape and humilitation as well as it captured the tone of spit on your grave better than the remake.

3-the devils rejects- rob only gave us a tease of the rape jd I hoped for a horror movie but as action flicks go its good

2- I saw the devil- revenge and torture rolled into one an excellent film

1- old boy- one of my favorite film ever , this dominates any Bronson or dirty Harry film